Dr. Wolfgang Haberl


Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Haberl

Informatics 13 - Associate Professorship of Integrated Computing Systems - (Prof. Baumgarten)


  • Haberl, Wolfgang: Code Generation and System Integration of Distributed Automotive Applications. Dissertation, 2011 more…


  • Isenberg, Simon; Bangalore, Krishna; Goebl, Matthias; Haberl, Wolfgang; Baumgarten, Uwe: Towards a Personalized and Distributed In-car Infotainment Experience Using the Open and Web-based Webinos Middleware. Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-device App Middleware (Multi-Device '12), ACM, 2012 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Herrmannsdörfer, Markus; Birke, Jan; Baumgarten, Uwe: Model-Level Debugging of Embedded Real-Time Systems. Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on, 2010, 1887-1894 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Baumgarten, Uwe; Kugele, Stefan: Model-Based Generation of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems. , 2010 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Tautschnig, Michael; Baumgarten, Uwe: Generating Distributed Code from Cola Models. In: Wai, Ping-Kong Alexander; Huang, Xu; Ao, Sio-Iong (Ed.): Trends in Communication Technologies and Engineering Science. Springer Netherlands, 2009, 265-279 more…
  • Herrmannsdörfer, Markus; Haberl, Wolfgang; Baumgarten, Uwe: Model-level Simulation for COLA. Modeling in Software Engineering, 2009. MISE '09. ICSE Workshop on, 2009, 38-43 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Kugele, Stefan; Baumgarten, Uwe: Reliable Operating Modes for Distributed Embedded Systems. Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, 2009. MOMPES '09. ICSE Workshop on, 2009, 11-21 more…
  • Wang, Zhonglei; Haberl, Wolfgang; Herkersdorf, Andreas; Wechs, Martin: SysCOLA: A Framework for Co-Development of Automotive Software and System Platform. , 2009 more…
  • Kugele, Stefan; Haberl, Wolfgang; Tautschnig, Michael; Wechs, Martin: Optimizing Automatic Deployment Using Non-Functional Requirement Annotations. , 2008 more…
  • Wang, Zhonglei; Haberl, Wolfgang; Herkersdorf, Andreas; Wechs, Martin: A Simulation Approach for Performance Validation during Embedded Systems Design. , 2008 more…
  • Wang, Zhonglei; Haberl, Wolfgang; Kugele, Stefan; Tautschnig, Michael: Automatic Generation of SystemC Models from Component-based Designs for Early Design Validation and Performance Analysis. , 2008 more…
  • Kugele, Stefan; Haberl, Wolfgang: Mapping Data-Flow Dependencies onto Distributed Embedded Systems. , 2008 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Baumgarten, Uwe; Birke, Jan: A Middleware for Model-Based Embedded Systems. , 2008 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Baumgarten, Uwe; Tautschnig, Michael: Running COLA on Embedded Systems. , 2008 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Tautschnig, Michael; Baumgarten, Uwe: From COLA Models to Distributed Embedded Systems Code. , 2008 more…
  • Haberl, Wolfgang; Kugele, Stefan; Tautschnig, Michael; Bauer, Andreas; Schallhart, Christian; Merenda, Stefano; Kühnel, Christian; Müller, Florian; Wang, Zhonglei; Wild, Doris; Rittmann, Sabine: COLA – The Component Language. , 2007 more…