Bernhard Blieninger


Picture of Bernhard Blieninger

Bernhard Blieninger, M.Sc.

Technical University of Munich

Institute of Informatics

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München


Theses and interdisciplinary projects

Are you looking for a thesis or project work?

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you don't find any topics on our website that are suitable for you.

You are also welcome to visit me during my office hours or send an email to bernhard.blieninger[at] or bernhard.blieninger[at]

Advertised jobs and theses

Overview: Today, hundreds of small applications run in modern cars that ensure roadworthiness with the help of sensors and control logic. These applications have special requirements with regard to real-time capability and reliability. To ensure these two basic conditions for... [more]

Advised Theses


  • Development of a Real-Time Capable Container Management System using Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Considering Automotive Off-loading Scenarios 07/2021
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Setup for a Generalistic Approach to Machine-Learning-Based Schedulability Analysis, Master's Thesis, 02/2021



  • Toolchain for Dynamic Migration Detection, Planning and Execution at Runtime Using Machine Learning Based Approaches on Embedded Hardware, Master's Thesis, 09/2020