Dr. Daniel Krefft


Picture of Daniel Krefft

Daniel Krefft, M.Sc.

Technical University of Munich

Informatics 13 - Associate Professorship of Integrated Computing Systems- (N.N.)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München


  • Linux and C [Practical Course]
    • SoSe 2017
    • SoSe 2016
    • SoSe 2015
    • SoSe 2014
    • SoSe 2013
  • Operating Systems and Hardware orientied Programming for Games [Exercise]
    • WiSe 2017/2018
    • WiSe 2016/2017
    • WiSe 2015/2016
    • WiSe 2014/2015
    • WiSe 2013/2014
    • WiSe 2012/2013
  • Basic Principles: Operating Systems and System Software [Exercise]
    • WiSe 2014/2015
    • WiSe 2013/2014
  • Selected Topics: Operating Systems and Distributed Systems [Seminar]
    • WiSe 2017/2018
    • WiSe 2015/2016
    • WiSe 2014/2015

Advised Theses


  • Development of a Redundant Memory Based Checkpoint/Restore Mechanism for L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode within the Robotic Domain, Master's Thesis, 04/2018
  • Extension of a Toolchain for Schedulability Analysis by a Task Generator Component for Evaluation of Different Real-Time Task Models, Bachelor's Thesis, 03/2018
  • Finalization of an Existing Migration Execution Process and Corresponding Performance Evaluation with Regard to Real-Time Behaviour, Master's Thesis, 02/2018


  • Extension of a Machine Learning Based Toolchain for Migration Planning by a Deep Learning Component, Bachelor's Thesis, 11/2017
  • Extension of a Monitoring Component for L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode, IDP, 12/2017
  • Knowledge-Based Algorithms for Dynamic Task Management in Embedded Multi-Core Systems, Master's Thesis, 10/2017
  • Synchronization of the KIA4SM testbed, IDP, 09/2017
  • Improved Task Management for Multi-Core Real-time Systems in an Automotive Environment, Master's Thesis, 08/2017
  • Development of an intelligent, machine learning supported migration planning strategy in Genode, IDP, 06/2017
  • Development and Comparison of two different Checkpoint/Restore Mechanism for L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode, IDP, 02/2017


  • Extension of L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode by Management Mechanisms for Coexistent Scheduling Strategies on an Embedded Real-time Multicore System, IDP, 11/2016
  • Design and Development of real-time capable Checkpoint/Restore mechanisms for L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode, Master's Thesis, 10/2016
  • Design and Prototypical Implementation of an OC-based Controller-Stack for Optimizing Mixed-Critical Thread Scheduling in L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode, Master's Thesis, 10/2016
  • Design and Prototypical Implementation of a High-Level Synchronization Component for Dynamic Updates of Task Run Queues in L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode, Master's Thesis, 10/2016
  • Port and Extension of a Toolchain Regarding Machine Learning Supported Schedulability Analysis in Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems, Master's Thesis, 04/2016
  • Porting an existing linux-based Checkpoint/Restore Mechanism (CRIU) to L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode, Bachelor's Thesis, 04/2016
  • Comparison of the PikeOS Hypervisor and L4 Fiasco.OC/Genode: Development of a PikeOS Emulation Layer and Porting on Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC, Master's Thesis, 03/2016
  • Extension of L4 Fiasco.OC and Genode OS Framework by the Concept of a Distributed Shared Memory, Bachelor's Thesis, 01/2016


  • Extension of the Genode OS Framework by a Component for Runtime-Monitoring of a Real-Time Operating System, Bachelor's Thesis, 12/2015
  • Design and prototypical implementation of a toolchain for offline task-to-machine mapping in distributed embedded systems, Master's Thesis, 10/2015
  • Design of an OC-based Method for efficient Synchronization of L4 Fiasco.OC Microkernel Tasks, Bachelor's Thesis, 06/2015
  • Design and development of a prototypical hybrid simulator for testing of self-adaptive automotive systems, IDP, 06/2015
  • Prototypical realization of a real-time Ethernet-based Intra-Vehicular Mesh Network implemented in a RC-Model-Car, IDP, 06/2015
  • Extension of an Existing L4/Fiasco.OC Microkernel Component for Dynamic Task Management in Regard to Process Recovery and Scalability, IDP, 05/2015
  • Extension of the L4 Fiasco.OC Microkernel by a Module supporting the USB 2.0 Standard, Bachelor's Thesis, 05/2015
  • Extension of the L4/Fiasco.OC Microkernel by a module for dynamic adaptation of the task execution order, Bachelor's Thesis, 04/2015
  • Extension of the L4/Fiasco.OC Microkernel by a module for Monitoring of a Real-Time System in Regard to Distributed Task-Planning, Bachelor's Thesis, 02/2015


  • Porting L4 to PowerPC with QEMU, IDP, 11/2014
  • Extension of the Fiasco.OC microkernel by context-sensitive scheduling abilities for safety-critical applications in embedded systems, Bachelor's Thesis, 10/2014
  • Design and development of a module for extending the Fiasco.OC L4-Microkernel by CAN-functionality, Bachelor's Thesis, 09/2014
  • Validating the Real-Time Capabilities of the ROS Communication Middleware, BMW Car-IT, Bachelor's Thesis, 07/2014
  • Implementation of the ISO 15765-2 protocol based upon the JVM, E.S.R Labs, Bachelor's Thesis, 06/2014
  • Dynamic Realtime Scheduling of Quasi-Periodic Tasks for Embedded Systems Testing on Linux, Berner & Mattner, Master's Thesis, 06/2014
  • Dynamic software updates in resource-constraint realtime systems, Master's Thesis, 04/2014


  • Analysis and Evaluation of Scheduling Strategies for Safety Critical Automotive Systems, Master's Thesis, 12/2013
  • Java-based Exam Generator with Question Pool, Bachelor's Thesis, 08/2013
  • Analysis and Enhancements of Scheduling-Strategies for Multicore Systems, Master's Thesis, 03/2013

Areas of Research

  • Automotive/Embedded Systems
  • Mixed-critical Systems
  • Self-* properties (Self-Adaptation)
  • Flexible and Partitioned Scheduling
  • Real-time Scheduling
  • Linux/L4-Microkernel


  • Daniel Krefft, Sebastian Eckl und Uwe Baumgarten: KIA4SM ‐ Kooperative Integrationsarchitektur für zukünftige Smart Mobility Lösungen. Gesellschaft für Informatik - Fachgruppe für Betriebssysteme, 2017, more…
  • Sebastian Eckl, Daniel Krefft, Uwe Baumgarten: Migration of Components and Processes as means for dynamic Reconfiguration in Distributed Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems. OSPERT 2017, 2017 the 13th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications more…
  • Sebastian Eckl, Daniel Krefft, Uwe Baumgarten: COFAT 2015 - KIA4SM - Cooperative Integration Architecture for Future Smart Mobility Solutions. Conference on Future Automotive Technology, 2015 more…
  • Krefft, Daniel; Baumgarten, Uwe: Flexible Scheduling of Tasks for Self-adaptation in Mixed-critical Automotive Systems. Organic Computing Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2015 (Intelligent embedded systems 7), kassel university press GmbH, 2015, 147-153 more…
  • Bangalore, Krishna; Krefft, Daniel; Baumgarten, Uwe: Establishing Personalized IVI Features on Distributed Open Source Webinos Middleware Using Low-cost Devices. VEHICULAR 2014, The Third International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications, 2014Seville, Spain, June 22 - 26, 2014, 52-57 more…