
KIA4SM: Bachelor's Thesis - Task generation


The KIA4SM project defines a toolchain for testing of automotive systems (generation of testcases, deployment, recording and evaluation). Additionally, there exists an operating system which is based on Genode/Fiasco.OC.

The toolchain consists of several modules. One of these modules is responsible for the generation of tasksets which are used by the operating system. The current work is based on the tms-sim C++ framework for simulation of scheduling algorithms.

For now, a rudimentary integration/connection which integrates the framework into the toolchain is  provided. Your task is to improve this integration.


  • Get comfortable with the current toolchain 
  • Extension of provided module to complete tms-sim interface 
  • Optimization of current toolchain interfaces
  • Improvement/Reengineering of several design aspects


  • C/C++
  • XML/Python


Daniel Krefft