Texas Instruments hands-on seminars on the 1st/8th/22nd of June 2017
In cooperation with the chair of nanoelectronics the professorship of microstructured mechatronical systems is hosting a series of hands-on seminars from Texas instruments. Focus of these seminars are low power technologies and ICs for energy harvesting applications. In addition, RF-technologies for enabling efficient wireless networks will also be discussed. This rounds up the topic "autonomous sensor systems". Additionally, participants can take part at a challenge to program a microcontroller.
The seminars will take place at the main campus in munich city on following dates:
- 1st of June: 1 - 5pm
- 8th of June: 1 - 5pm
- 22nd of June: 1 - 5pm
Due to a limited number of participants, we kindly ask all those interested to send a short request of participation to: sherif.keddis@tum.de