The COSMOS Wireless Testbed and Experimentation with Compact Full-Duplex Wireless

Prof. Gil Zussman, Columbia University, New York

6.8.2019, 10:00, room 4981



This talk will provide an overview of the COSMOS testbed, that will be deployed as part of the NSF Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program, and of one of the first testbed experiments that will focus on full-duplex wireless.

COSMOS (Cloud-Enhanced Open Software-Defined Mobile-Wireless Testbed for City-Scale Deployment) will be deployed in West Harlem (New York City) by Rutgers, Columbia, and NYU in partnership with NYC, CCNY, U. Arizona, IBM, and Silicon Harlem. It targets the technology “sweet spot” of ultra-high bandwidth and ultra-low latency, a capability that will enable a broad new class of applications including augmented/virtual reality and cloud-based autonomous vehicles. Realization of such high bandwidth/low latency wireless applications involves research not only on faster radio links, but also on the system as a whole including aspects such as spectrum use, networking, and edge computing. Hence, the key enabling technologies will include software-defined radios, mmWave radios, optical/SDN x-haul network, edge cloud, and testbed control and management software.

One of the first COSMOS pilot experiments will focus on full-duplex (FD) wireless, since FD communication, namely, simultaneous transmission and reception on the same frequency channel, can substantially improve spectrum efficiency. Within the Columbia Full-duplex Wireless: From Integrated Circuits to Networks (FlexICoN) project, we have been focusing on Integrated Circuit (IC) implementations that are appropriate for mobile and small-form-factor devices. We will present the FlexICoN Gen-1 FD transceiver that has been integrated in the ORBIT testbed. Then, we will present the FlexICoN Gen-2 FD transceiver and the obtained experimental results. We will also present analytical results regarding rate gains when considering these IC-based FD implementations, as well as results regarding scheduling in heterogeneous networks with both FD and legacy half-duplex users. Both the Gen-1 and Gen-2 transceivers will be integrated in the COSMOS testbed to allow experimental evaluations of FD-related algorithms at the higher layers.

The COSMOS testbed design and deployment is joint work with the COSMOS team ( The full-duplex results are based on joint works with Tingjun Chen, Mahmood Baraani Dastjerdi, Jelena Diakonikolas, Jin Zhou, Javad Ghaderi, and Harish Krishnaswamy.


Gil Zussman received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technion in 2004. Between 2004 and 2007 he was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT. Since 2007 he has been with Columbia University where he is now a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His research interests are in the area of networking, and in particular in the areas of wireless, mobile, and resilient networks. He has been an associate editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and Ad Hoc Networks, and the Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-chair of ACM MobiHoc’15 and IFIP Performance 2011. Gil received the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) award for distinguished students, two Marie Curie fellowships, the Fulbright Fellowship, the DTRA Young Investigator Award, and the NSF CAREER Award. He was the PI of a team that won the 1st place in the 2009 Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Project competition. He is a co-recipient of seven best paper awards, including the ACM SIGMETRICS’06 Best Paper Award, the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication, and the ACM CoNEXT’16 Best Paper Award.