Martin Becker

Technical University of Munich
Real-Time Computer Systems
Arcisstraße 21
80290 Munich, Germany


Networks: Linked in | Xing


Research Interests


Selection of Supervised Work

The following theses/internships are already assigned or completed. For more open topics visit this page.

  • An Intelligent Camera Payload for 3D City Mapping, Master's Thesis, A. Baudot, 2018. Conducted at Airbus Defence and Space.
  • Approaches for Safe and Approximate Instruction-to-Source Mapping in Mainstream Compilers, Master's Thesis, M. Pazaj, 2018.
  • Matching Machine Instructions to Source Code Blocks, Research Internship, M. Pazaj, 2017.
  • Dependency-Sensitive Verification Statistics for SPARK2014 Programs, Master's Thesis, M. Asam, 2017.
  • Software Architecture & Design for a Remote Control Unit of an Aircraft Radio Transceiver, Bachelor's Thesis, L. Hauenschild, 2017. Conducted at Rohde & Schwarz.
  • Development of a mobile automatic low-cost antenna tracker for Micro Air Vehicles, Forschungspraxis, J. Yates, 2016.
  • Entwurf, Analyse und Validierung eines leichten heimkehrenden Wetterballons, Diplomarbeit, M. Jungmann, 2016.
  • Development and Verification of a Flight Stack for a High-Altitude Micro Glider, Master's Thesis, E. Regnath, 2016.
  • Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Embedded Multicore Systems Parallelized with Embedded Multicore Building Blocks (EMB²), Research Internship, S. Bilgeri, 2016. Conducted at Siemens.
  • Robust Real-Time Tracking of Micro Air Vehicles in RGB-D Video Streams, Master's Thesis, S. Stanglmayr, 2016.
  • Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Source-Level Software Verification Approaches in Ada, Forschungspraxis, E. Regnath, 2016.
  • Development and Demonstration of a Software-Defined Real-Time Control Interface for Micro Air Vehicles, Master's Thesis, A. Söhn, 2015.
  • Performance Assessment and Optimization of an Emergency Recovery System for Micro Air Vehicles, Research Internship, M. Neumair, 2015.
  • Software V&V of an Emergency Recovery System for Micro Air Vehicles, Research Internship, A. Söhn, 2015.
  • Design and Integration of an Emergency Recovery System for Micro Air Vehicles, Master's Thesis, M. Neumair, 2015.
  • Real-Time Airspace Classification and Segmentation for Micro Air Vehicles, Bachelor's Theses, K.T. Zi-Mian, Z.P. Toh, 2014.
  • Entwicklung einer bidirektionalen PANLink-to-Ethernet Schnittstelle auf FPGA Basis, Bachelor Thesis, C. Niechziol, 2013. Conducted at ESG.
  • Investigating the Integration of a Synchronous Language Kernel into Matlab Simulink, Bachelor Thesis, Wong Zhi Wei Adrian, 2012.

Source Codes and Tips

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Recent Publications


  • WCET Analysis meets Virtual Prototyping: Improving Source-Level Timing Annotations, M. Becker, M. Pazaj, S. Chakraborty, 22nd International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES), Sankt Goar, DE.
  • Imprecision in WCET estimates due to library calls and how to reduce it (WiP paper), M. Becker, R. Metta, R. Venkatesh, S. Chakraborty, In ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems (LCTES), Phoenix, AZ, USA.
  • A Valgrind Tool to Compute the Working Set of a Software Process, M. Becker, S. Chakraborty, Technical Report, Munich, DE. [Read report]


  • Measuring Software Performance on Linux, M. Becker, S. Chakraborty, Technical Report, Munich, DE. [Read report]
  • Optimizing Worst-Case Execution Times Using Mainstream Compilers, M. Becker, S. Chakraborty, 21st International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES), Sankt Goar, DE. [Read paper]
  • Scalable and Precise Estimation and Debugging of the Worst-Case Execution Time for Analysis-Friendly Processors, M. Becker, R. Metta, R. Venkatesh, S. Chakraborty, In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), Springer Nature. [Read article] [Preprint]


  • Development and Verification of a Flight Stack for a High-Altitude Glider in Ada/SPARK 2014, M. Becker, E. Regnath, S. Chakraborty, In 36th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP), Trento, IT. [Read preprint]


  • TIC: A Scalable Model Checking Based Approach to WCET Estimation, R. Metta, M. Becker, P. Bokil, S. Chakraborty and R. Venkatesh, In ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Santa Barbara, CA, USA.


  • Timing Analysis of Safety-Critical Automotive Software: The AUTOSAFE Tool Flow, M. Becker, Sajid M, K. Albers, P.P. Chakrabarti, S. Chakraborty, P. Dasgupta, S. Dey and R. Metta, In 22nd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), New Delhi, IN.
  • Approaches for Software Verification of an Emergency Recovery System for Micro Air Vehicles, M. Becker, M. Neumair, A. Söhn, S. Chakraborty, In 34th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP) Companion, Delft, NL. [Read preprint]
  • Composing Real-Time Applications from Communicating Black-Box Components, M. Becker, A. Masrur, S. Chakraborty, In 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Tokyo, JP.