Current Research Topics

Medial Devices and Methods in Audiological Diagnostics (more)

The Sound4All project.

Wireless and Mobile Systems (more)

Mobile wireless systems typically run on batteries and are therefore highly energy-constrained. At the RCS, we are developing low-power protocols, techniques an devices to enable mobile applications of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Web Browser Power Management  (more)

This research branch focuses on power management strategies for web browser within the Android operating system.

Cyber-Physical Systems / Embedded Control Systems  (more)

At RCS, we are looking into design and implementation of networked control systems (NCS) while achieving resource efficiency on one hand and ensuring safety and performance on the other.

Real-Time Scheduling and Virtualization Techniques  (more)

Power Management for Interactive Applications (more)

Games account for the class of most popular, but as well most power hungry applications on smartphones and tablet PCs. Our research focuses on reducing the power being consumed by components such as CPU and GPU while games are played on mobile devices.

Verification and Timing Analysis for Embedded Software (more)

Analysis of high-integrity software, including proof, test case generation and time debugging.

Modular Airborne Real-Time Testbed  (more)

Developing, implementing and verifying novel technologies for resource-constrained and safety-critical real-time systems, carried out in the challenging environment of multicopter platforms.

Networked Heterogeneous Real-Time & Visual Servoing Systems (more)

Design and Analysis of High-Speed Networked Processing Architectures on Heterogeneous Platforms (such as, e.g., Xilinx Zynq) for Visual Servoing and generic Real-Time Applications.

Battery Modeling and Management (more)

SOC Characterization and Estimation, optimizing battery lifespan, smart charging, infrastructure and battery assignment/scheduling for drone delivery businesses.

Future Transportation Systems (more)

Joint Indo-German collaborative research center on Intelligent Transportation Systems.