Dr.-Ing. Patrick Henkel

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Kommunikation und Navigation
Theresienstraße 90,
Gebäude N4, 4. Stock
80333 München
Raum: N4406
Tel.: +
Fax: +
Email: patrick.henkel@tum.de
Tätigkeiten in Forschung und Lehre
- Precise Point Positioning (Winter term)
- Inertial Navigation (Summer term)
- Multi-Sensor Fusion for precise and reliable positioning
- Enhanced RTK positioning and Precise Point Positioning (PPP)
- Estimation of satellite position, clock and bias corrections for PPP
- Vodafone Förderpreis for dissertation on "Reliable Carrier Phase Positioning" (2011)
- Regional winner of European satellite navigation competition (2010)
- Pierre Contensou Gold medal (2007)
[1] | Patrick Henkel and Bigyan Banjara: Precise Positioning in Alpine Areas with Troposphere and Multipath Estimation, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, nr. 20, pp. 8397 – 8409, Oct. 2018. |
[2] | Patrick Henkel, Dimitrios Psychas, Christoph Günther and Urs Hugentobler: Estimation of satellite position, clock and phase bias corrections, Journal of Geodesy, vol. 92, nr. 10, pp. 1199 – 1217, Oct. 2018. |
[3] | Patrick Henkel, Franziska Koch, Florian Appel, Heike Bach, Monika Prasch, Lino Schmid, Jürg Schweizer, and Wolfram Mauser: Snow Water Equivalent of Dry Snow Derived From GNSS Carrier Phases, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 56, iss. 6, pp. 3561 – 3572, Jun. 2018. |
[4] | Patrick Henkel: Calibration of Magnetometers with GNSS Receivers and Magnetometer-Aided GNSS Ambiguity Fixing, Sensors, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1324 ff., Jun. 2017. |
[5] | Patrick S. Henkel, Tightly coupled precise point positioning and attitude determination, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), vol. 51, nr. 4, pp. 3182-3197, Oct. 2015. |
[6] | Gabriele Giorgi and Patrick Henkel, Ionospheric bias detection in carrier phase–only ground-based augmentation systems, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 1853 – 1866, Jul. 2015. |
[7] | Andreas Brack, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Sequential Best-Integer Equivariant Estimation for GNSS, Navigation, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 149 - 158, Summer 2014. |
[8] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution: Multi-Frequency Code Carrier Linear Combinations and Statistical Attitude A Priori Knowledge, Navigation (invited paper), vol. 59, nr. 1, pp. 61-75, 2012. |
[9] | Christoph Günther and Patrick Henkel, Integer Ambiguity Estimation for Satellite Navigation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, iss. 7, pp. 3387 - 3393, 2012. |
[10] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, Multi-Stage Satellite Phase and Code Bias Estimation, European Journal of Navigation, accepted, 2012. |
[11] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, Multi-Stage Satellite Phase and Code Bias Estimation, Automatika, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 373–381, 2012. |
[12] | Christoph Günther and Patrick Henkel, Reduced noise, ionosphere-free carrier smoothed code, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), vol. 46, iss. 1, pp. 323-334, 2010. |
[13] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Multi-Frequency Code Carrier Linear Combinations, Journal of Global Positioning Systems (invited paper), vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 92-103, 2010. |
[14] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Partial integer decorrelation for optimum trade-off between variance reduction and bias amplification, Journal of Geodesy, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 51-63, 2009. |
[15] | Patrick Henkel, Geometry-free linear combinations for Galileo, Acta Astronautica, vol. 65, pp. 1487-1499, 2009. |
[16] | Patrick Henkel, Kaspar Giger and Christoph Günther, Multi-satellite, multi-frequency Vector Phase Locked Loop for Robust Carrier Tracking, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing for GNSS and Robust Navigation, vol. 3, iss. 4, pp. 674-681, 2009. |
[17] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Joint L/C-Band Code and Carrier Phase Linear Combinations for Galileo, International Journal of Navigation and Observation, vol. 2008, Hindawi publ., 8 pages, Jan. 2008 |
Veröffentlichungen in Tagungsbänden von Konferenzen:
[1] | Patrick Henkel, Andreas Sperl, Ulrich Mittmann, Robert Bensch, Paul Färber and Christoph Günther: Precise Positioning of Robots with Fusion of GNSS, INS, Odometry, Barometer, Local Positioning System and Visual Localization. Proc. of 31st ION GNSS+, pp. 3078 – 3087, Miami, Florida, USA, Sep. 2018. |
[2] | Michael Heinrich, Andreas Sperl, Ulrich Mittmann and Patrick Henkel: Reliable Multi-GNSS Real-Time Kinematic Positioning. IEEE Proc. of 60th ELMAR Symp., pp. 103 – 108, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2018. |
[3] | Markus Lamm, Franziska Koch, Florian Appel and Patrick Henkel: Estimation of Snow Parameters with GPS and Galileo. IEEE Proc. of 60th ELMAR Symp., pp. 109 – 112, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2018. |
[4] | Julius Krause and Patrick Henkel: Integration of barometric height into RTK positioning for Fast Ambiguity Refixing. IEEE Proc. of 60th ELMAR Symp., pp. 113 – 116, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2018. |
[5] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther: Cascaded Real-Time Kinematic Positioning with Multi-Frequency Linear Combinations, IEEE Proc. of 60th ELMAR Symp., pp. 117 – 120, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2018. |
[6] | Patrick Henkel, Alexander Blum and Christoph Günther: Precise RTK Positioning with GNSS, INS, Barometer and Vision (invited paper), Proc. of 30th ION GNSS+, pp. 2290 – 2303, Portland, Oregon, Sep. 2017. |
[7] | Patrick Henkel, Dimitrios Psychas and Christoph Günther: Satellite Phase Bias Estimation with Global Networks and High-Dimensional Integer Ambiguity Fixing, Proc. of 30th ION GNSS+, pp. 3985 – 3996, Portland, OR, USA, Sep. 2017. |
[8] | Patrick Henkel and Houcem Hentati: Reliable RTK Positioning with Tight Coupling of 6 Low-Cost Sensors, Proc. of ION GNSS+, Portland, OR, USA, pp. 733 – 741, Sep. 2016. |
[9] | Patrick Henkel, Ulrich Mittmann and Michele Iafrancesco: Real-Time Kinematic Positioning with GPS and GLONASS, Proc. of 24-th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 5 pp., Budapest, Hungary, Sep. 2016. |
[10] | Patrick Henkel, Michele Iafrancesco and Andreas Sperl, Precise Point Positioning with Multipath Estimation, Proc. of ION/ IEEE Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Savannah, GA, USA, pp. 144 - 149, Apr. 2016. |
[11] | Patrick Henkel and Andreas Sperl, Real-Time Kinematic Positioning of Unmanned Air Vehicles, Prof. of IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, pp. 7, Mar. 2016. |
[12] | Patrick Henkel and Andreas Sperl, Precise RTK Positioning with GPS/ INS Tight Coupling and Multipath Estimation, Proc. of ION International Technical Meeting (ITM), Monterey, CA, USA, pp. 1015 – 1023, Jan. 2016. |
[13] | Patrick Henkel and Patrick Burger, Multi-Sensor Fusion of GNSS receivers, inertial sensors and cameras for Precise and Reliable Positioning, Proc. of Conference on Future Automotive Technology (COFAT), Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, pp. 1-5, Apr. 2015. |
[14] | Zhibo Wen, Yuiji Zhu and Patrick Henkel, Estimation of Code Ionospheric Biases using Kriging method, Proc. of IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA, pp. 1-8, Mar. 2015. |
[15] | Patrick Henkel and Michele Iafrancesco, Tightly coupled Position and Attitude Determination with two low-cost GNSS receivers, Proc. of 11-th Intern. IEEE Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 895-900, Aug. 2014. |
[16] | Patrick Henkel, Philipp Berthold and Christoph Günther, Tightly coupled Position and Attitude Determination with two low-cost GNSS receivers, a gyroscope, and an accelerometer, Proc. of Intern. Symp. on Certification of GNSS Systems and Services (CERGAL), Dresden, Germany, Jul. 2014. |
[17] | Patrick Henkel, Philipp Berthold and Jane Jean Kiam, Calibration of Magnetic Field Sensors with two mass-market GNSS receivers, Proc. of 12-th IEEE Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), pp. 1-5, Mar. 2014. |
[18] | Jane Jean Kiam, Juan Manuel Cárdenas and Patrick Henkel, Cooperative RTK positioning for rowing boats with Low-cost GPS receivers, Proc. of ION ITM, San Diego, USA, Jan. 2014. |
[19] | Chen Zhu, Christoph Bamann, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Autonomous Robots Grouping in Swarm Exploration based on Adaptive Camera Common Field-of-View Detection, IEEE/ RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2013. |
[20] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Attitude determination with low-cost GPS/INS, Proc. of the 26-th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+), Nashville, TN, USA, pp. 2015-2023, Sep. 2013. |
[21] | Sebastian Knogl, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Attitude estimation based on multibeam antenna signals power levels, Proc. of 55-th IEEE Symposium ELMAR, pp. 341-344, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2013. |
[22] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Precise point positioning with estimation of code multipath subset, Proc. of 55-th IEEE Symposium , pp. 345-348, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2013. |
[23] | Chen Zhu, Siwei Zhang, Armin Damann, Stephan Sand, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Return-to-base navigation of robotic swarms in Mars exploration using DoA estimation, Proc. of 55-th IEEE Symposium ELMAR, pp. 349-352, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2013. |
[24] | Patrick Henkel and Jane Jean Kiam, Maximum A Posteriori Probability Estimation of Integer Ambiguities and Baseline, Proc. of 55-th IEEE Symposium ELMAR, pp. 353-356, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2013. |
[25] | Patrick Henkel and Naoya Oku, Cycle slip detection and correction for heading determination with low-cost GPS/ INS receivers, IAG Proc. of VIII Hotine Marussi Symposium, Rome, Italy, Jun. 2013. |
[26] | Andreas Brack, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, Sequential Best Integer- Equivariant Estimation for Geodetic Network Solutions, Proc. of ION ITM, San Diego, USA, pp. 310-317, Jan. 2013. |
[27] | Sebastian Knogl, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, Precise Positioning and Orbit Estimation for Geostationary Data Relays, Proc. of Navitec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Dec. 2012. |
[28] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel, Andreas Brack, and Christoph Günther, Satellite Bias Determination with Global Station Network and Best-Integer Equivariant Estimation, Proc. of ION GNSS, Nashville, USA, Sep. 2012. |
[29] | Patrick Henkel, Juan Manuel Cardenas, and Patryk Jurkowski, Cascaded Heading Estimation with Phase Coasting, In IEEE Proc. of 54th ELMAR Symposium, pages 283–286, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2012. |
[30] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel, Andreas Brack, and Christoph Günther, Best Integer Equivariant Estimator for Precise Point Positioning, IEEE Proc. of 54th ELMAR Symposium, pages 283–286, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2012. |
[31] | Sebastian Knogl, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, Accuracy Bounds for Positioning of Geostationary Data Relays using LEO Satellites, Proc. of 54th Intern. IEEE Symposium ELMAR, pages 275–278, Zadar, Croatia, Sep. 2012. |
[32] | Gabriele Giorgi, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, Testing of a Statistical Approach for Local Ionospheric Disturbances Detection, Proc. of ION/ IEEE Position, Location and Navigation Symp. (PLANS), pages 167–173, Myrtle Beach, USA, Apr. 2012. |
[33] | Patryk Jurkowski, Patrick Henkel, and Christoph Günther, GNSS based Attitude determination with Statistical and Deterministic Baseline A Priori Information, Proc. of ION-ITM, pages 1164–1213, Newport Beach, USA, Jan. 2012. |
[34] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel, Mathieu Davaine and Christoph Günther, Satellite Phase and Code Bias Estimation with Cascaded Kalman Filter, Proc. of Europ. Nav. Conf., London, UK, Okt. 2011. |
[35] | Patrick Henkel, Patryk Jurkowski and Christoph Günther, Differential Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Gaussian a priori knowledge and Kalman filtering, Proc. of 24th ION GNSS, Portland, USA, Sep. 2011. |
[36] | Zhibo Wen, Patrick Henkel and Christop Günther, Reliable Estimation of Phase Biases of GPS satellites with a Local Reference Network, Proc. of 53rd Int. IEEE Symp. ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 321-324, Sep. 2011. |
[37] | Sebastian Knogl, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Precise Positioning of a Geostationary Data Relay using LEO Satellites, Proc. of 53rd Int. IEEE Symp. ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 325-328, Sep. 2011. |
[38] | Patrick Henkel, Reduction and Optimization of Almanac Transmission for GNSS Satellites, Proc. of 53rd Int. IEEE Symp. ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 329-332, Sep. 2011. |
[39] | Patrick Henkel and Patryk Jurkowski, Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Statistical Attitude A Priori Information, Proc. of IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2011. |
[40] | Patrick Henkel and Chen Zhu, Carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution with inequality constraints, Proc. of IEEE Stat. Sign. Proc. Worksh., Nice, France, pp. 409-412, Jun. 2011. |
[41] | Patryk Jurkowski, Patrick Henkel, Grace Gao and Christoph Günther, Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Tight and Soft Baseline Constraints for Freight Stabilization at Helicopters and Cranes, Proc. of ION Int. Techn. Meeting, San Diego, USA, pp. 336-346, Jan. 2011. |
[42] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Reliable Carrier Phase Positioning with Multi-Frequency Code Carrier Linear Combinations, Proc. of 23rd ION Int. Techn. Meeting (ION-GNSS), Portland, USA, Sep. 2010. |
[43] | Patrick Henkel, Zhibo Wen and Christoph Günther, Estimation of satellite and receiver biases on multiple Galileo frequencies with a Kalman filter, Proc. of ION Int. Techn. Meeting (ION-ITM), San Diego, USA, Jan. 2010. |
[44] | Kaspar Giger, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Joint satellite code and carrier tracking, Proc. of ION Int. Techn. Meeting, San Diego, USA, Jan. 2010. |
[45] | Markus Rippl, Susanne Schlötzer and Patrick Henkel, High integrity carrier phase based positioning for precision landing using a robust nonlinear filter, Proc. of ION Int. Techn. Meeting (ION-ITM), San Diego, USA, Jan. 2010. |
[46] | Patrick Henkel, Zhibo Wen and Christoph Günther, Estimation of code and phase biases on multiple frequencies with a Kalman filter, Proc. of 4-th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, Dec. 2009. |
[47] | Kaspar Giger, Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Multifrequency, multisatellite carrier tracking, Proc. of 4-th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, Dec. 2009. |
[48] | Patrick Henkel, Bootstrapping with Partial Integer Decorrelation and Multi-frequency combinations of Galileo measurements in the presence of Biases, "Geodesy for Planet Earth", Intern. Association of Geodesy Symposium 136, Buenoes Aires, Argentina, pp. 925-933, Sep. 2009. |
[49] | Patrick Henkel, Grace Gao, Todd Walter and Christoph Günther, Robust Multi-Carrier, Multi-Satellite Vector Phase Locked Loop with Wideband Ionospheric Correction and Integrated Weighted RAIM, Proc. of European Navigation Conference (ENC), Naples, Italy, May 2009. |
[50] | Patrick Henkel, Victor Gomez and Christoph Günther, Modified LAMBDA for precise carrier phase positioning with multiple frequencies in the presence of biases, ION Intern. Techn. Meeting (ITM), Anaheim, USA, pp. 642-651, Jan. 2009. |
[51] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Precise Point Positioning with multiple Galileo frequencies, Proc. of ION/ IEEE Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Monterey, USA, pp. 592-599, May 2008. |
[52] | Patrick Henkel, Kaspar Giger and Christoph Günther, Multi-Carrier Vector Phase Locked Loop for Robust Carrier Tracking, Proc. of European Navigation Conference (ENC), Toulouse, France, Apr. 2008. |
[53] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Schätzung der Trägerphasenmehrdeutigkeit bei Galileo, Proc. der 10. ITG-Fachgruppensitzung Signalverarbeitung in der Navigation, Oberpfaffenhofen, Oct. 2007. |
[54] | Patrick Henkel, Geometry-free linear combinations for Galileo, Proc. of 58-th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 1st prize of international student contest (Pierre Contensou Medal), Hyderabad, India, Sep. 2007. |
[55] | Matthias Süß, Patrick Henkel and Yuan Lu, Steering of the reference timescale for German Galileo test environment, European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Geneva, Switzerland, May 2007. |
[56] | Patrick Henkel, Doping of Extended Mappings for Signal Shaping, Proc. of 65-th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Dublin, Ireland, May 2007. |
[57] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Sets of robust full-rank linear combinations for wide-area differential ambiguity fixing, Proc. of 2nd Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, Noordwijk (ESTEC), The Netherlands, 5 pp., Apr. 2007. |
[58] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Three frequency linear combinations for Galileo, Proc. of 4-th IEEE Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC ’07), Hannover, Germany, pp. 239-245, Mar. 2007. |
[59] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Integrity Analysis of Cascade Integer Resolution with Decorrelation Transformations, Proc. of ION National Technical Meeting (NTM), San Diego, USA, pp. 903-910, Jan. 2007. |
[60] | Patrick Henkel, Extended Mappings for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation, 17-th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, Sep. 2006. |
[61] | Patrick Henkel, Integrity of differential carrier phase positioning, 14-th Joint Conference on Coding and Communications (JCCC), Sölden, Austria, Mar. 2006. |
[62] | Frank Schreckenbach and Patrick Henkel, Signal Shaping using Non-Unique Symbol Mappings, Proc. of 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, USA, Sep. 2005. |
[63] | Frank Schreckenbach, Patrick Henkel, Norbert Görtz and Gerhard Bauch, Analysis and Design of Mappings for Iterative Decoding of BICM, Proc. of 11-th National Symposium on Radio Sciences URSI, Poznan, Poland, pp. 82-87, Apr. 2005. |
Eingeladene Vorträge
[1] | Patrick Henkel, Reliable Carrier Phase Positioning, European Navigation Conference (ENC), Braunschweig, Oct. 2010. |
[2] | Patryk Jurkowski and Patrick Henkel, Carrier Phase Receiver System with extremely Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution, European Satellite Navigation Conference (ESNC), Oberpfaffenhofen, Oct. 2010. |
[3] | Patrick Henkel, Single and multi-frequency Differential GNSS, Carl Cranz Gesellschaft, Oberpfaffenhofen, Oct. 2009 |
[4] | Patrick Henkel, Vector Phase Locked Loops for Reliable Carrier Tracking during Ionospheric Scintillations, Stanford University, Oct. 2008. |
[5] | Patrick Henkel, Vector Loops for Interference Robust Navigation, Stanford-DLR Workshop, Oberpfaffenhofen, Sep. 2008. |
[6] | Patrick Henkel, Zuverlässige Schätzung der Trägerphasenmehrdeutigkeiten bei Galileo, Kolloquium Satellitennavigation, Technische Universität München (TUM), July 2008. |
[7] | Patrick Henkel, Integrität bei Trägerphasenmessungen, ITG Sitzung Galileo und Anwendungen, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, June 2008. |
[8] | Patrick Henkel, Precise Carrier Phase Positioning with Galileo, Moscow-Bavarian Joint Advanced Student School (MB-JASS), Moscow, Russia, Mar. 2008. |
[9] | Patrick Henkel, Wide-Area RTK and Precise Point Positioning with mixed Code-Carrier Combinations, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Neustrelitz, Germany, Jan. 2008. |
[10] | Patrick Henkel, Wide-Area RTK and Precise Point Positioning with mixed Code-Carrier Combinations, Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Dec. 2007. |
[11] | Patrick Henkel, Linear Carrier Phase Combinations for Galileo, Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, May. 2007. |
[12] | Patrick Henkel, Integrity Analysis of Cascaded Integer Resolution with Decorrelation Transformations, 4-th GNSS Integrity Meeting, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Feb. 2007. |
[1] | Patrick Henkel, Zhibo Wen and Christoph Günther, Estimation of phase and code biases on multiple frequencies with a Kalman filter, European Patent Appl., Appl. Num.: EP 08 178 573.3, Oct. 2010. |
[2] | Patrick Henkel and Victor Gomez, Partial ambiguity fixing for multi-frequency ionospheric delay estimation, European Patent Application, Appl. Num.: EP 09172607.5, Oct. 2009. |
[3] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, A Method for Tracking a Plurality of Global Positioning Satellite Signals: Multi-Carrier Vector Phase Locked Loop, Int. Appl. Num.: PCT/EP2009/054337, Int. Publ. Num.: WO 2009/125011 A1, Apr. 2008. |
[4] | Patrick Henkel, Method for Processing a Set of Signals of a Global Navigation Satellite System with at least Two Carriers: Single difference Phase and Code Bias Estimation for Precise Point Positioning, European Patent Application, Int. Appl. Num.: PCT/EP2009/054855, Int. Publ. Num.: WO 2009/130260 A2, Apr. 2008. |
[5] | Patrick Henkel, Method for Processing a Set of Signals of a Global Navigation Satellite System with at least Three Carriers: Geometry-free Linear Combinations, Int. Appl. Num.: PCT/EP2008/053300, Int. Publ. Num.: WO 2008/113828 A1, Mar. 2007. |
[6] | Patrick Henkel, Method for Processing a Set of Signals of a Global Navigation Satellite System with at least Three Carriers: Three-Frequency Linear Combinations, European Patent Application, Appl. Num.: 07 112 00807 112 008, Mar. 2007. |
[7] | Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther, Method for Transmitting Satellite Data: Reduced Almanac Information Schemes, PCT application number, Int. Appl. Num.: PCT/P2007/056781, Int. Publ. Num.: WO 2008/003730 A1, July 2006. |
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