• Chen Zhu, Gabriele Giorgi, Christoph Günther:: 2D Relative Pose and Scale Estimation with Monocular Cameras and Ranging. NAVIGATION 65 (1), 2018, 25-33 more…
  • Herrmann, Sven; Finke, Felix; Lülf, Martin; Kichakova, Olga; Puetzfeld, Dirk; Knickmann, Daniela; List, Meike; Rievers, Benny; Giorgi, Gabriele; Günther, Christoph; Dittus, Hansjörg; Prieto-Cerdeira, Roberto; Dilssner, Florian; Gonzalez, Francisco; Schönemann, Erik; Ventura-Traveset, Javier; Lämmerzahl, Claus: Test of the Gravitational Redshift with Galileo Satellites in an Eccentric Orbiten. Physical Review Letters 121 (23), 2018 more…
  • Patrick Henkel and Bigyan Banjara: Precise Positioning in Alpine Areas with Troposphere and Multipath Estimation. IEEE Sensors, 2018 more…
  • Patrick Henkel, Dimitrios Psychas, Christoph Günther and Urs Hugentobler: Estimation of satellite position, clock and phase bias corrections. Journal of Geodesy 92 (10), 2018, 1199–1217 more…
  • Patrick Henkel, Franziska Koch, Florian Appel, Heike Bach, Monika Prasch, Lino Schmid, Jürg Schweizer, Wolfram Mauser: Snow Water Equivalent of Dry Snow Derived From GNSS Carrier Phases. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (6), 2018, 3561 - 3572 more…


  • A. Brack: Reliable GPS+BDS RTK positioning with partial ambiguity resolution. GPS Solutions 21 (3), 2017, 1083-1092 more…
  • P. Henkel: Calibration of Magnetometers with GNSS Receivers and Magnetometer-Aided GNSS Ambiguity Fixing. Sensors 17 (6), 2017, 1 - 13 more…


  • A. Brack: Optimal estimation of a subset of integers with application to GNSS. Artificial Satellites 51 (4), 2016, 123-134 more…


  • A. Brack: On reliable data-driven partial GNSS ambiguity resolution. GPS Solutions 19 (3), 2015, 411-422 more…
  • G. Giorgi, P. Henkel: Ionospheric bias detection in carrier phase–only ground-based augmentation systems. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 51, 2015, 1853-1866 more…
  • P. Henkel: Tightly coupled precise point positioning and attitude determination. IEEE Transactions on Areospace and Electronic Systems 51 (4), 2015, 3182 - 3197 more…


  • A. Brack and C. Günther: Generalized integer aperture estimation for partial GNSS ambiguity fixing. Journal of Geodesy 88 (5), 2014, 479-490 more…
  • A. Brack, P. Henkel, and C. Günther: Sequential Best Integer-Equivariant Estimation for GNSS. NAVIGATION 61 (2), 2014, 149-158 more…
  • C. Günther: A Survey of Spoofing and Counter-Measures. NAVIGATION 61 (3), 2014, 159-177 more…
  • W. Xu, M. Huang, C. Zhu, A. Dammann: Maximum likelihood TOA and OTDOA estimation with first arriving path detection for 3GPP LTE system. Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech., 2014, n/a-n/a more…


  • G. Giorgi, P.J.G. Teunissen: Low-Complexity Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution with the Affine-Constrained GNSS Attitude Model. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 49, 2013, 1745-1759 more…


  • C. Günther, and P. Henkel: Integer Ambiguity Estimation for Satellite Navigation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING 60 (7), 2012, 3387-3393 more…
  • G. Giorgi, P.J.G. Teunissen, and T.P. Gourlay: Instantaneous GNSS-Based Attitude Determination for Maritime Applications. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 37, 2012, 348-362 more…
  • K. Giger and J.S. Knogl: Introductory Course on Satellite Navigation. US-China Education Review (vol.2, no. 12), 2012, 1034-1043 more…
  • P. Henkel and C. Günther: Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution: Multi-Frequency Code Carrier Linear Combinations and Statistical Attitude A Priori Knowledge. Navigation, 2012 more…
  • Z. Wen, P. Henkel, and C. Günther: Multi-Stage Satellite Phase and Code Bias Estimation. Automatika, 2012 more…


  • C. Günther and P. Henkel: Reduced noise, ionosphere-free carrier smoothed code. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 46 (1), 2010, 323 - 334 more…
  • P. Henkel and C. Günther: Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Multi-Frequency Code Carrier Linear Combinations. Journal of Global Positioning Systems 9 (2), 2010, 90-103 more…


  • P. Henkel: Geometry-free linear combinations for Galileo. Acta Astronautica 65, 2009, 1487-1499 more…
  • P. Henkel and C. Günther: Partial integer decorrelation for optimum trade-off between variance reduction and bias amplification. Journal of Geodesy, 2009 more…
  • P. Henkel, K. Giger and C. Günther: Multi-satellite, multi-frequency Vector Phase Locked Loop for Robust Carrier Tracking. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 3 (Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing for GNSS and Robust Navigation), 2009, 674-681 more…


  • C. Günther and P. Henkel: Reduced noise, ionosphere-free carrier smoothed code. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace Engineering, 2008 more…
  • P. Henkel and C. Günther: Joint L/C-Band Code and Carrier Phase Linear Combinations for Galileo. International Journal of Navigation and Observation vol. 2008 (Future GNSS Signals), 2008, 8 pages more…


  • O. Montenbruck, C. Günther, S. Graf, M. Garcia-Fernandez, J. Furthner and H. Kuhlen: GIOVE-A initial signal analysis. GPS Solutions, 2006 more…