
Seminar for Mathematical Statistics: October 17, 2017 at 14:15; Garching, Parkring 11, Room BC1 2.01.10

Carsten Chong received the Bund der Freunde Thesis Award 2016 for his outstanding PhD thesis entitled "Tempo-Spatial Stochastic Integral Processes: Theory and Applications". Nominated by the dean of the mathematics department, he was awarded the prize on the annual general meeting of the Bund der Freunde of the TUM…

Claudia Klüppelberg and her co-authors received the Lloyd’s Science of Risk Prize 2016 in the category Systems modelling for their paper entitled Risk in a Large Claims Insurance Market with Bipartite Graph Structure. The submission was praised by the judges for providing a valuable contribution to a practical issue…

One aim of the conference is to celebrate the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awarded to Steffen Lauritzen from University of Copenhagen.

In our complex and interrelated world, taking care of dependence is a key task for success in stochastic modeling. The copula framework takes a pivotal role in this area. The conference will bring together researchers from different methodological view points and application areas to provide an up to date forum on…

In the lectures Prof. Lauritzen shall go through basic elements of undirected graphical Gaussian models, their maximum likelihood theory, and discuss features arising when additional structure such as symmetry and total positivity is taken into account. Prof. Lauritzen describes and discusses alternative methods of…

This workshop focuses on the theoretical aspect and practical applications of the high-dimensional dependence models. This is a much broader theme compared to the previous workshops in order to reflect the recent advances in dependence and copulas.Two short courses (vine copula inference and implementation, and…

In the International Year of Statistics 2013, the aim of this conference is to bring together a wide range of researchers working in various different but also strongly interconnected fields of probability, statistics and their applications. We also take the opportunity of this conference to celebrate the 60th…