Moritz Mungenast visits Tagesspiegel Liquid City # 4

The Stuff the Future is Made of - How Innovative Materials Change Urban Life.

Green high-rise facades, houses from the 3D printer, ultralight structures, bio-based materials: Driven by scarcity of resources, innovative materials and construction approaches are changing our cities. Digital design and manufacturing methods expand the constructive and creative possibilities.

What new design possibilities make our cities cleaner? Which natural and renewable alternatives are there to replace conventional building materials in the long term? How do technologies like 3D printing and lightweight design change city planning and cityscape?

These questions discussed in the context of the daily mirror Liquid City # 4 on March 1, 2018:

Dr. Frank Heinlein, Head of Corporate Communications, Werner Sobek Group Zum Impuls, Moritz Mungenast, architect and assistant professor at the Chair of Design and Building Envelope, TU Munich,  Prof. Dr. Jana Revedin, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, École Speciale d'Architecture Paris | University of Lyo Zum Impulse

Moderation: Lorenz Maroldt, Editor-in-Chief, Der Tagesspiegel