Here, we provide an overview of relevant research projects conducted by TUM researchers.
More projects will follow soon.
EU-InnovatE (End User Integration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship) is an EU-funded, interdisciplinary, research project that involved over 40 researchers from 14 leading research institutes, think tanks, and network partners under the scientific leadership of TUM School of Management. Between 2014 and 2016, the consortium conducted a wide range of advanced research activities, including, among others: case studies in many European countries; workshops with users, companies, and policy makers; scenarios for sustainable lifestyles in Europe by 2050; an agent-based model to measure the impacts of innovation in mobility, food, energy and urban living; and an online social media conference involving 350+ experts and pioneers in the field. All those efforts were taken during the last 3 years to investigate the active roles that end users play in shaping sustainable lifestyles, new business models, and the transition to a greener economy in Europe.
GREEN SURGE (Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy) is a large scale EU project that will develop and test innovative strategies to permanently secure and strengthen the diversity of urban green spaces for biodiversity and to improve the urban environment. It aims to provide a sound evidence base for urban green infrastructure planning and implementation, exploring the potential for innovation in better linking environmental, social and economic ecosystem services with local communities. In 5 so-called Urban Learning Labs, the research groups work closely with cities and civil society actors to learn from practice and to test scientific knowledge.
Enable. The interdisciplinary enable-cluster is one of four clusters about nutrition research funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It develops new strategies to promote healthier food choices in all stages of life (from birth to old age). In their research, the team of interdisciplinary researchers focus on the interface of food science and nutrition technology with information- and communication technology as well as social studies. Through this, the enable-cluster aims to enhance cooperation in nutrition research to ultimately promote and establish a more sustainable and healthy way of life.
New Energy Efficient Processes for the Production, Distribution and Usage of Milk/Whey Concentrates as a Substitute for Milk/Whey Powders - Dried dairy products are a popular ingredient in the production of various food products such as yogurt, cheese, and chocolate. Milk and whey are concentrated in large volumes and further dried to powders using enormous amounts of energy. This project, conducted at the Chair of Production and Supply Chain Management, investigates if it is possible to omit the energy intensive drying process and instead produce only concentrates with more efficient concentration processes. Avoiding the drying process can save as much as 1000 GWh/yr in Germany alone. Therefore, the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection has granted a funding to the project. The project is carried out in cooperation with the Chair for Food Process Engineering and Dairy Technology as well as two project partners from industry, Privatmolkerei Naarmann GmbH and Bayerische Milchindustrie eG.
If you are conducting a research project combining aspects of life sciences and management and want us to publish it here, please contact