Interdisciplinary Courses

To bridge studies in management and life sciences, CLSM offers the following courses:


Sustainable Entrepreneurship - Getting Started (Life Sciences)

Starting April 2017

In this master course we want to invite and inspire students to make a difference. We introduce them to the theory and practice of sustainable entrepreneurship, pursuing the triple bottom line of economic, ecological and social goals. We present the sustainable business model canvas as a tool for the students to explore their own ideas and to develop a sustainable business in the area of life sciences. We take a step-by-step approach by: developing a sustainable and customer value proposition; describing key activities, resources and partners; and identifying revenues and cost. In the end of the course each student team will present their refined sustainable business model in the form of a pitch.

The course is mainly targeted at master students from the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan and the Master Consumer Affairs (MCA). Exchange students are also highly welcome. A special feature of the master course is the co-teaching by an academic and a practitioner with a mutual interest in the theory and practice of sustainable entrepreneurship.

Click here to download the syllabus.


Sustainable Entrepreneurship - Theoretical Foundations 

Starting April 2017 (Life Science focus starting October 2017)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents a pact my UN member nations to embark on a mission to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time. Entrepreneurship plays a key role in the transformation towards sustainable development. There is a growing scholarly interest in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship, pursuing the triple bottom line of economic, ecological and social goals. In this course we will investigate the theory and empirical evidence of sustainable entrepreneurship. To start with, we define sustainable entrepreneurship and relate it to similar concepts. Furthermore, we discuss the process and impact of sustainable entrepreneurship, exploring sustainable opportunity recognition, development and exploitation.

The course is mainly offered for students of the Master Degree Program in Management and Technology and the Master Consumer Affairs. Exchange students are also highly welcome.

Click here to download the syllabus.


Sustainability Marketing and Consumption

Starting April 2017

Sustainability Marketing and Consumption Anna Wagenschwanz M.Sc. Reinhard von Wittken Dipl.-Psych. M.Sc. Technische Universität München TUM School of Management Course for Master Sustainable Resource Management (SRM) European Master Consumer Affairs (EURECA) Exchange Students Summer term 2017 Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into innovation and marketing management. It puts a strong emphasis on the development and the marketing of sustainability innovations such as electric cars, new mobility services, energy-efficient houses, renewable energies, organic food products, and fair fashion. Furthermore, the course provides examples of sustainability issues that have entered the conscience of the individual consumer. The course puts consumer behaviour in the sustainability context, by defining sustainable consumption, showing barriers and drivers of sustainable consumption, exemplifying sustainable consumption patterns and consumer lifestyles.

A major deliverable of the course is the creation of a pitch presentation. It is a team assignment and it is really fun! Image you are a marketing agency hired by a new sustainable venture that operates in the context of life sciences.

Click here to download the syllabus.


We will provide a link to the curriculum for our new area of specialization for the Master program in Management and Technology as soon as it is finalized and published. If you are interested in further courses combining insights form the fields of life sciences and management, please do not hesitate to contact us.