
The IJAS Conference Series, Paris 2016


©IJAS, Quelle:

2016 findet in Paris die IJAS Conference statt. Ein Auszug des Beschreibungstextes ist folgend dargestellt:

"Paris is the most visited city in the world, home to 3,800 historical monuments and four UNESCO World Heritage Sites. As Tom Wolfe put it, "Napoleon wanted to turn Paris into Rome under the Caesars, only with louder music and more marble. And it was done. His architects gave him the Arc de Triomphe and the Madeleine. His nephew Napoleon III wanted to turn Paris into Rome with Versailles piled on top, and it was done. His architects gave him the Paris Opera, an addition to the Louvre, and miles of new boulevards."Paris is today one of the world's leading cultural centers, and its influences in education, media, science, and the arts all contribute to its international status and its desirability as a base for academic conferences. Paris hosts the headquarters of many international organizations such as UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the informal Paris Club."

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier! Deadline zur Einreichung von Paper ist der 23.02.2016.