Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies
Interdisciplinary and jointly organized by the German Centre for Higher EducationResearch and Science Studies (DZHW) and the Institute of Sociology at theUniversity of Hanover the Summer School will link theoryand applied research.
The summer school has the aim to understand the social mechanisms of career decisionsin academia. As conditions in academia are changing due to differentiation and increasing stratificationamong higher education institutions, increasing competition for resources and evaluation ofachievements, increasingly precarious working conditions and a declining proportion of full or associateprofessors positions in the academic labour market, a couple of questions arises: Who decides to stayin academia in spite of increasingly difficult career prospects? Are diversity management and equal opportunityprograms in order to increase the career chances of women successful? What determines thechances of highly qualified people in the common labour market compared to academia? For whichscientists are these drop-out options attractive? How are the chances to find a good job when after 12or 15 years of work at a university or in research projects it becomes clear that a permanent position willnot be available?There will be a mix of theoretical and methodological contents, of analyses of the German academiclabour market and international comparisons. Presenters and invited keynote speakers will be from Germanund international higher education research and science studies. The following renowned expertswill be speaking or organizing a workshop:
Keynotes by:
- Erin Leahey (University of Arizona)
- Paula Stephan (Georgia State University)
Workshops by:
- Johannes Giesecke (Humboldt University of Berlin)
- Hergen Köhler, Mathis Nolte &Sabrina Petersohn (INSIST)
- Andrea Löther & Sandra Beaufays (Center of Excellence Women andScience/GESIS)
- Volker Stocké (University of Kassel)
Evening Lesson by:
- Nicolai Netz
- Steffen Jaksztat (DZHW)
Hosts and Opening Keynote by:
Monika Jungbauer-Gans (DZHW) & Christiane Gross (Leibniz University Hanover)
The Call for Papers is in this PDF available! More informations can be find at the Website of the Summer School here!