
Call for Papers: Knowledge Intensive Organisations


Call for Submissions in vier Special Issues (Deadlines: 15.11. & 01.12.2015)

Die individuellen Calls for Papers können hier heruntergeladen werden: 

1) The International Journal of Human Resource Management

  • Focus:  leadership, international  HRM and organisational challenges in Knowledge Intensive Organisations
  • Deadline: 15 November 2015  

2) The Journal of Knowledge Management

  • Focus:  leading and managing KIOs through formal knowledge strategies
  • Deadline: 15 November 2015  

3) The Journal of Academic Ethics

  • Focus: values, processes, functions and governance in KIOs
  • Deadline: 1 December 2015  

4) The Journal of Public Affairs

  • Focus:  Value creation and innovation in Knowledge Intensive Organisations
  • Deadline: 1 December 2015