Hands-on teaching

In TUM.Mobility, students and doctoral candidates working on sustainable mobility topics from the perspective of their various disciplines are integrated at the earliest possible stage.
The experience gained in the interdisciplinary master project “euMOVE – European Mobility Venture”, in which students from five study programs compared mobility concepts from European cities such as Barcelona, Helsinki and Stockholm with those of Munich, is feeding into new inter- and trans-disciplinary student projects. Project weeks serve to promote international participation and offer the opportunity to take part in thematic summer schools, for example together with European partners with hands-on roles in the mobility sector, and in entrepreneurial teaching modules.
Under the auspices of the innovation network EIT Urban Mobility, a European doctoral training network is currently under development. Doctoral candidates in TUM.Mobility subject areas will be able to take part in an interdisciplinary program line in the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE). This will encourage dialog across the boundaries of subject areas and sectors to complement the participants' intensive engagement in their own specialized fields.
Exploring the potential and synergies of a strategic partnership in transdisciplinary teaching
Regional actors, companies and entities serving public functions, some of which have their own educational and doctoral programs in the area of mobility (such as BMW, MAN, Siemens, the State of Bavaria, various foundations), will also have the opportunity to explore the potential and synergies of a strategic partnership in transdisciplinary teaching. This will give the regional partners access to creative ideas and innovative input from a young and dynamic research community. At the same time, the talented young scientists at TUM will benefit from the “entrepreneurial mindset” and the exchanges of ideas with real-world practitioners.
The experiences gained through online teaching will be used to create programs and content designed for life-long learning. In conjunction with the programs of EIT Urban Mobility and regional cooperation partners such as UnternehmerTUM, TUM.Mobility is developing massive open online courses (MOOCs), webinars on entrepreneurial learning and specific training and coaching content for managers in government and public administration, the private sector and society.
Courses offered in the TUM.Mobility network
Master of Science in Transportation Systems
An interdisciplinary and international study program of 24 months conducted in English with a special focus on transport infrastructure, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), transport modeling and transportation demand management.
Master of Science in Transport & Logistics
A dedicated M.Sc. program at TUM Asia, Singapore.