
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award for Prof. Martin Reisslein (Arizona State University, USA)


Prof. Martin Reisslein (Arizona State University) has been selected for the prestigious Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. This award will allow him to spend extended research stays at TUM over the years to come.

During his visits, Prof. Reisslein will be jointly hosted by the Chair of Media Technology (LMT) and the Chair of Communication Networks (LKN).  

Prof. Reisslein will join LMT/LKN as a Bessel Award Winner in January 2015. 

The AvH foundation describes the award as:

“Award winners are honoured for their outstanding research record and invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany.”

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