Prof. John S. Baras is appointed TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellow hosted by ITR
It is our great pleasure to welcome Prof. John Baras (University of Maryland) at our Chair as Hans Fischer Senior Fellow. Professor Baras is a distinguished professor from the University of Maryland (USA). He will join us for several months within the next three years. His first stay will be in October 2014.
Professor Baras' research interests include control, communication and computing systems. His current research topic is integrated cyber-physical systems (CPS) design.
Prof. John S. Baras has an impressive CV: B.S. in Electrical Eng. From the Nat. Techn. Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1970; M.S.and Ph.D. in Applied Math. from Harvard Univ. 1971, 1973. Since 1973 with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and the Applied Mathematics Faculty, at the University of Maryland College Park. Since 2000 faculty member in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering. Founding Director of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR) from 1985 to 1991. Since 1991, has been the Director of the Maryland Center for Hybrid Networks (HYNET). Fellow of the IEEE and a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Received the 1980 George Axelby Prize from the IEEE Control Systems Society and the 2006 Leonard Abraham Prize from the IEEE Communications Society
For more information about him, have a look at this website
We look forward to do exciting joint research with him!
In this context we are seeking for a PhD candidate for the project in the field of distributed collaborative control and inference methods for cyber-physical systems (CPS) including networked control systems and hybrid time (event-triggered and continuous time) distributed systems.
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