
Two papers presented at RSJ conference in Japan


Mohsen Kaboli and Kuniyuki Takahashi will present papers at the RSJ Conference 2015 - the 33rd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan at Tokyo Denki University.  

Mohsen Kaboli will present his paper on September 4th at 11:45  in room number  2G1-2604. Title : “Dexterous Hands Learn To Re-Use The Past Experience To Discriminate In-Hand Objects From The Surface Textures” Authors:  Mohsen Kaboli and  Gordon Cheng (TUM)

Kuniyoki Takahashi will present on September 4th at 11:30 in room number 2G1-2604. Title: "Dynamic Motion Learning for a Flexible-Joint Robot using Active-Passive Motor Babbling"

Authors: Kuniyuki Takahashi (Waseda Univ.), Tetsuya Ogata (Waseda Univ.), Shigeki Sugano (Waseda Univ.)and Gordon Cheng (TUM).

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