
More than 1100 views in 4 months for our recent work in Deep Learning!


Our AggNet paper has received more than 1100 views in 4 months! It has been published in the Special Issue on Deep Learning in IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging (Impact factor: 3.4)! It is further one of the top downloads at IEEEXplore (worldwide) for May 2016 listed here

S. Albarqouni, C. Baur, F. Achilles, V. Belagiannis, S. Demirci, N. Navab
AggNet: Deep Learning from Crowds for Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histology Images
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), Special Issue on Deep Learning, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1313 - 1321, 2016. (bib)    


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