

Interview about eyetracking with Dr. Michael Dorr

An Interview with the Leader of the International Junior Research Group VESPA, Dr. Michael Dorr, on the subject "Eyetracking and Google Glass" was published in January 2015 in the Scientific American, 01/2015 Originally posted by:[mehr]

Kategorie: In the media


New Project MAI Sandwich launched within the framework of the leading-edge cluster MAI Carbon with LCC as overall project coordinator

On 01.01.2015, the project MAI Sandwich launched with us as the overall project coordinator.Within the project “MAI Sandwich - Development of thermoplastic joinable sandwich structures under consideration of an unmixed and recyclable material usage” novel and cost-effective...[mehr]

Kategorie: Research


Journal paper accepted in Advanced Robotics

Congratulations to Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng for having their paper accepted: "Understanding the Intention of Human Activities through Semantic Perception: Observation, Understanding and Execution on a Humanoid Robot", in Advanced...[mehr]

Kategorie: Publication


New EU-funded project “Robotic Assistant for MCI Patients at home” (RAMCIP)

The Chair-of-Information Oriented Control is partner of the new project “Robotic Assistant for MCI Patients at home” (RAMCIP). [mehr]

Kategorie: Research


4 Papers accepted at ICRA 2015

All our submitted papers are accepted to the 2015 IEEE ICRA conference.Congratulations to all! Sangik An and Dongheui Lee, Prioritized Inverse Kinematics with Multiple Task Definitions, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),  2015...[mehr]

Kategorie: Publication


Industrie 4.0 - Solange es keine Standards gibt, wollen wir sie ersetzen

The article "Solange es keine Standards gibt, wollen wir sie ersetzen" was published on 21 November 2014 in VDI Nachrichten (number 47/2014). Originally posted by:[mehr]

Kategorie: In the media


Elektronik Praxis - Industrie 4.0 und Cyber Physical Systems – ganz oder gar nicht?

The article "Industrie 4.0 und Cyber Physical Systems – ganz oder gar nicht?" was published on 26 September 2014 in Elektronik Praxis. Originally posted by:[mehr]

Kategorie: In the media


Prof. Sandra Hirche is new Vice-President of the IEEE Control Systems Society

Prof. Sandra Hirche is the new Vice-President for Member Activities of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS). From January 01, 2015 she heads the Member Activities Board, see for details. Prof. Sandra Hirche is the new...[mehr]

Kategorie: Miscellaneous


Nobel laureate Prof. Edvard Moser to give public lecture on 15.01.2015

We are proud to host the public lecture "Neural maps of space: How do we know where we are" given by Nobel Laureate Prof. Edvard Moser. Date/Time:Thursday, January 15, 17:00Location:TUM auditorium 2300, Friedrich von Thiersch Hörsaal, Entrance Gabelsbergerstraße,...[mehr]

Kategorie: Events


Institute for Carbon Composites is partner in ZIM network „CarboMedTech“

On 2nd of Dec the ZIM network “CarboMedTech” was officially launched with its kick-off meeting at the headquarters of senetecis in Erlangen. The network should help to increase the use of carbon composites in medical applications. Your can find further details in the press...[mehr]

Kategorie: Miscellaneous