Seminars & Events
One important nanoTUM activity is the organisation of seminars and workshops. A series of TUM internal workshops to specific topics have started with the aim to held them regularly. Joint Nanoworkshop together with our two partner universities from the European University Alliance are taking place alternatingly organised by nanoDTU, cNM or nanoTUM, respectively.

Announcements to seminars talks with nano-related topics in the chairs of nanoTUM members are also announced, along with selected announcements to conferences on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials. An overview over international nano conferences can be found as well on the web pages of the DECHEMA, Subject Division Nanotechnology or of the Nano- und Materialinnovationen Niedersachsen e.V.
Hauptversammlung der Kolloid-Gesellschaft 2017: Kolloid-Tagung "Multiresponsive systems"
9-11 October 2017
3rd Workshop "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in soft matter science"
11-12 October 2017
The Kolloid-Tagung 2017 is going to take place at Technische Universität München, Garching, 9-11 October 2017 (lunchtime to lunchtime). The Kolloid-Tagung is the biannual meeting of the Kolloid-Gesellschaft, this year focussing on "Multiresponsive systems" and in direct succession, the 2rd workshop "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in soft matter science" is going to be held 11-12 October, 2017 (lunchtime to lunchtime), at the same place.
Registration and abstract submission for both events will be possible after 1 March 2017.
More information
GERMAN-GREEK Workshop 2016 “Nano-structured soft materials: from polymer self-assembly to stimuli responsive materials”
26-30 September 2016
Held at at the Multimedia Amphitheatre in the Library Building of the National Technical University in Zografou Campus, Greece and organised by Prof. Apostolos Kyritsis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) and Prof. Christine M. Papadakis, Technical University of Munich, Germany
N5T brokerage event on Nanotechnologies
26-27 September 2016
DTU, a TUM partner in the EuroTech Alliance, is hosting a networking event in the area of nanotechnologies. DTU has opened the event for participants from TUM. The deadline for registration has already passed, but there are a few spots left (7 September 2016). In case of interest, please contact Mette Christiansen, DTU Nanotech,
Kolloquium: Sicherheit in der Nanotechnologie – Gefahr oder Chance?
Sonderkolloquium mit Podiumsdikussion im Rahmen des Münchner Physik Kolloquiums
10. Dezember 2012 ab 17:15
Veranstaltungsort: Rudolf-Mößbauer-Hörsaal, Physik Department, TUM Campus Garching
Veranstalter: Münchner Physik-Kolloquium, Chemie-Cluster Bayern im Rahmen des NANOFORCE-Projektes, nanoTUM
Vortrag: „Nanotoxizität - Kritische Mechanismen der biologischen Aktivität von Nanopartikeln“ von Dr. Tobias Stöger (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Podiumsdiskussion mit folgenden Teilnehmern:
Dr. Richard Winterhalter (Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit), Werner Handl (Geschäftsführer H.C. Carbon), Dipl.-Chem. Helmut Schmid (Fraunhofer-Institut Chemische Technologie), Prof. Dr. Oliver M. Schneider (Physik Department E19, Technische Universität München), Dr. Tobias Stöger (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Moderation: Dr. Jörg Klein (Chemie-Cluster Bayern)
5. Joint Nanoworkshop NanoDay 2012
Joint Nanoworkshop of the Danish Technical University, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, TU Eindhoven and the TU München
1 June 2012 9:00-17:00
Location: DTU Campus Lyngby (Denmark)
Programme (pdf)
Poster list (pdf)
4. TUM Nanomagnetik Workshop 2012
3 February 2012 from 8:50-15:00 at the TUM Campus in Garching.
Location: EG 0.001 in the ZNN building
Workshop programme
4. Joint Nanoworkshop 2011
Joint Nanoworkshop of the Danish Technical University, TU Eindhoven and the TU München
1 June 2011 9:30-18:00
Location: TUM-IAS bulding, TUM Campus Garching
Programme in pdf
Poster programme
3. TUM Nanomagnetik Workshop 2011
28. January 2011 9:00
Location: Seminar room N1812 (Lehrstuhl für Nanoelektronik), Nordgebäude, TUM Campus München
3. Joint Nanoworkshop 2010
Third Joint Nanoworkshop "cNM Research Day" of the nano centres of the Danish Technical University, TU Eindhoven and the TU München
30. June 2010, 9:15-18:30
Location: TU Eindhoven
Poster list
2. TUM Nanomagnetik Workshop 2010
13. January 2010
Location:TUM Campus Garching, Seminarroom of the Zentrum für Angewandte Energieforschung (ZAE) Garching
2. Joint Nanoworkshop NanoDay 2009
Second Joint Nanoworkshop with Nano-Science Center, C:O:N:T, nanoTUM (München) and TU/e (Eindhoven)
6, 2009 in Lyngby
Link to the workshop web page
1. TUM Nanomagnetik Workshop 2009
19 January 2009, TUM campus Munich, Seminar room N5325 (Lehrstuhl für Technische Elektronik)
1. Joint Nanoworkshop 2008
Joint workshop of the nano centres of the Danish Technical University, TU Eindhoven and the TU München
10-11 June 2008, TUM campus Garching
Joint Bavarian-Russian Focus-Workshop 06: "Simulating the Nano World"
23.-26. February 2006
Location: Department of Informatics, TUM campus Garching
Workshop programme
1. TUM Nanoworkshop
15.2.2005, TUM campus in Garching
Report about the workshop (TUM Mitteilungen 2005)