PhD Position in Timber Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology - Sweden
For more information, please see detailed information here. [more]
Research Associate Position at Universidad de Navarra (UNAV)
For more information, please see the application details here. [more]
COST FP1402 - European Energy Innovation (EEI Magazine) Summer edition 2019
The contribution of COST Action FP1402 is now published on EEI Magazine (Summer 2019). [more]
COST FP1402 on COST Annual Report as "success story"
Our COST Action FP1402 in on the COST Annual Report as a success story! You can read our "success story" on page 12-13. Once again, thanks to all our FP1402 Members. [more]
Open Associate professor position at Norwegian Unviersity of Life Science (NMBU)
- Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) has a vacant full time permanent position as Associate professor position within structural engineering, with focus on timber engineering. For more information, please click here. [more]
Open Ph.D. Positions in Wood Building Design and Construction - UBC (Canada)
More information can be found here. [more]
Vacant Positions at Linnaeus University, Sweden
Two vacant positions are open at Linnaeus University, Sweden. For more information, please click here.[more]
Minutes from the 8th Workshop "Future challenges and need for research in timber engineering" in Zurich also uploaded!
The minutes of COST Action FP1402 - 8th Workshop "Future challenges and need for research in timber engineering" which was held on October 25-26, 2018 in Zürich can be found here. [more]
Minutes from the Workshop in Munich (September 12) uploaded!
The minutes from the COST Action FP1402 - Minutes from the Workshop on "How will we plan / build in 25 years and how will this process be regulated" which was held on September 12, 2018 in Munich can be found here. [more]
Minutes from the 6th MC Meeting in Munich - uploaded !
The Minutes from the 6th MC meeting which was held in Munich on September 13th, 2018 can be found here. [more]