Press & Media Related to Our Work
The items below are a selection of press and media articles/videos related to our ongoing work with the search for supernova-produced 60Fe in magnetofossils. These are the result of our press conference at the American Physics Society meeting in Denver, April 14 2013.
Video Webcast
An archived video of the webcasted press conference can be found here
Journal and Magazine Stories
Among science journals and magazines who picked up the story and ran it, below is a list of a selection of articles.
- Supernova Left its Mark in Ancient Bacteria, Nature
- Is there Evidence of a Supernova in the Fossils of Ancient Bacteria?, Scientific American
- Exploding Star Remnants Found in Fossilized Bacteria, Wired
- Mikroben könnten Spuren einer Sternexplosion in sich tragen, Zeit Online
- Hinweis auf Supernova: Fossile Bakterienreste belegen Sternenexplosion, Spiegel Online