QUEST: A Tool for State-Space Quantization-Free Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers
QUEST is an open source software tool for automated controller synthesis for incrementally input-to-state stable nonlinear control systems. The tool is implemented in C++ and contains two major parts:
- Construction of symbolic abstraction: the tool uses state-space quantization-free approach for the construction of symbolic abstraction which can be potentially more beneficial for systems with high-dimensional state spaces.
- Symbolic controller synthesis: the synthesis of controller using fixed point computations, namely, maximal and maximal fixed points, thus natively supports safety and reachability specifications .
The tool is intended to be used and extended by researches in the area of formal synthesis for complex systems.
Download QUEST
Get latest version of QUEST from LRZ-hosted gitLab repository here
Usage and installation notes are found in the manual
P. Jagtap and M. Zamani. QUEST: A tool for state-space quantization-free synthesis of symbolic controllers. 14th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10503, pp 309-313, Springer. September 2017. [link]