

Two papers got accepted at CDC'18!

Two papers got accepted at the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control to be held in Miami Beach, FL, USA.[more]


CDC 2018 Full-Day Workshop on "Computation-aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems"

Raphaël Jungers from UC Louvain, Belgium, Maria Prandini from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Ricardo Sanfelice from University of California Santa Cruz, USA, and Majid Zamani from Technical University of Munich, Germany, are organizing a full-day workshop on...[more]


Prof. Majid Zamani received an ERC starting grant award!

Prof. Majid Zamani received an ERC starting grant (€1.5M) award! Using this grant, he aims to develop an innovative design process, in which the embedded control software is synthesized from high-level correctness requirements in a push-button and formal manner.[more]


Our ATVA paper on verification of stochastic systems using barrier certificates got accepted!

Our paper entitled "Temporal logic verification of stochastic systems using barrier certificates" got accepted at ATVA 2018.[more]


DFG project on "Information measures for control: Invariance and reachability"!

The HCS group got granted a DFG project on "Information measures for control: Invariance and reachability"![more]


The HCS group has been selected by Intel® to participate in the Intel Hardware Accelerator Research Program!

The HCS group has been selected by Intel® to participate in the Intel Hardware Accelerator Research Program! Automated synthesis of controllers to the next level! [more]


Three papers from the HCS group got accepted at HSCC'18!

Three papers from the HCS group got accepted at the 21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2018)![more]


A. Swikir is a finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE ICC!

A. Swikir is one of the top four finalists for the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Indian Control Conference! The best student paper award will be announced during the conference in January 2018![more]


Dagstuhl Seminar on "Formal Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems"!

Our Dagstuhl seminar, entitled "Formal Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems", will take place from May 14 till 19, 2017, in Dagstuhl, Germany. The detailed program will be posted later here.[more]


New tool on the synthesis of symbolic controllers!

Our new tool, called "QUEST", on the synthesis of symbolic controllers without state-space discretization is publicly available! You can download the tool from the following link.[more]