A. Lavaei is a finalist for the young author award at IFAC LSS!
A. Lavaei is one of the top three finalists for the young author award at the IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems (IFAC LSS)![mehr]
Three papers got accepted at ECC'19!
Three papers from our group got accepted at the 2019 European Control Conference (ECC)! [mehr]
Zamani is a program committee chair at the 12th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification!
Majid Zamani jointly with Damien Zufferey are program committee chairs at the 12th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the 31st International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV) in New...[mehr]
Our case study paper got accepted at TACAS'19!
Our case study paper on a parallelized and sparsity-aware controller synthesis approach got accepted at TACAS'19! [mehr]
A regular and a tool paper got accepted at HSCC'19!
A regular paper on compositional verification and synthesis of interconnected embedded control systems and a tool paper on parallelization of symbolic control and utilizing high-performance computing platforms got accepted at HSCC'19.[mehr]
Zamani joined the Computer Science Department at University of Colorado Boulder! Greetings from flatirons!
As of January 7th, 2019, Zamani joined the Computer Science Department at University of Colorado Boulder as an assistant professor.[mehr]
Zamani was appointed as an associate editor of Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems!
Zamani was appointed as one of the associate editors of Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems! Check here for the details about the journal![mehr]
Zamani was appointed as an associate editor of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems!
As of January 1st, 2019, Zamani was appointed as one of the associate editors of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems! Check here for the details about the journal![mehr]
DFG Research Training Group on "Continuous Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems"!
Our DFG Research Training Group on "Continuous Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems" (€6M) got granted! Using this grant, Prof. Zamani together with 9 other PIs aim to verify autonomous cyber-physical systems in the presence of change by integrating control...[mehr]
DFG project on "Compositional synthesis of abstractions for infinite networks"!
The HCS group got granted a DFG project on "Compositional synthesis of abstractions for infinite networks"! This is a joint project with Prof. Fabian Wirth at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics in the university of Passau.[mehr]