Colloquium Satellite Navigation

Summer Term 2012

Monday, 21.05.2012 Dr. Stefan Schaer (Bundesamt für Landestopographie swisstopo and Center for Orbit Determination in Europe CODE, Berne, Switzerland) Overview of Relevant GNSS Biases (Abstract and Slides)
Monday, 04.06.2012 Prof. Steffen Schön (Institute for Geodesy, Leibniz Universität Hannover) The Virtual GNSS Receiver: A concept for improved GNSS-based navigation (Abstract and Slides)
Monday, 02.07.2012 M.Sc. Thomas Kraus (Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications ISTA, University FAF Munich) Low Budget GNSS Jammer (Abstract and Slides)
Monday, 09.07.2012 Dr. Etienne Favey (u-blox AG, Thalwil, Switzerland) Navigation Challenges Faced and Solved by Low Cost Single-Frequency GNSS Receivers (Abstract)
Wednesday, 11.07.2012 Prof. Eckehard Steinbach (Institute of Media Technology, TU München) Towards Low-Latency Visual Localization (Abstract and Slides)
Monday, 16.07.2012 Dipl. Ing. Jamila Beckheinrich (German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam) WISDOM: GNSS-R based flood monitoring (Abstract and Slides)