Venture Lab
Built Environment
The mission of the TUM Venture Lab Built Environment is to become Europe’s top platform for ventures developing outstanding approaches, technologies and solutions for urban futures, the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure as well as socio-technical systems in the context of design and architecture.
When your venture idea pertains to the built environment, become part of our community and receive support ranging from educational/venturing programs, team matching and funding options to office space, lab facilities and a broad industry network with experts and decision makers. After completing a selection process, the most promising teams will receive intensive developmental support and the necessary infrastructure at TUM, the Munich Urban Colab and UnternehmerTUM to start and grow their venture.
What we are looking for
- Innovation projects with recognizable added value for our society/environment, determined commercialization intentions, addressing challenges of the respective market
- Strong scientific and/or technological basis of venture ideas with focus on built environment challenges
TUM Venture Lab Steering Committee
- Prof. Dr. Kathrin Dörfler, Academic Director: doerfler(at)
- Prof. Dr. Konrad Nübel, Academic Director: konrad.nuebel(at)
- Dipl. Des. (FH) Tobias Förtsch, Managing Director: tobias.foertsch(at)
- Dipl.-Ing. Architekt, Dipl.-Kfm. Christos Chantzaras, Managing Director: christos.chantzaras(at)
- Dr.-Ing., MBA Manuel Götzendörfer, Venture Director: goetzendoerfer(at)