The concept of relational space in urbanism – understandingthe space of the city as produced by society – is connectedwith an understanding of architecture unfolding insituations. Urban space is induced by architecture, spaceis produced while experiencing architecture within a situation.There is a dialectical interplay between architectonicmaterial (intra-architectonic reality) and usage andaction (urban reality). Thus, an architectonic situation canbe interpreted as performative in the sense of performativity,as it has emerged in the discourse over the last decade.The everyday urban life of the city, with all its potentialand conflicts, is taken into consideration. Analyzing theurban is not enough. This discourse is about urban design.Is architectural design one part, and the actualization ofarchitecture in a performative incident another? Doesurban design need different practices?
Sophie Wolfrum, Nikolai Frhr. v. Brandis (Eds.)
Jovis, Berlin 2015
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-86859-304-4