Studio einszueins - tanzania

his book shows projects which were developed in the design studio 'einszueins' of visiting professor Philipp Eversmann (EPFL) and the department for wooden structures of professor Prof.Hermann Kaufmann at the Department of Architecture, TU Munich.
einszueins - project
“Azubi Kibwigwa” is a voluntary development cooperation in the 10,000-inhabitant village of Kibwigwa, Tanzania. Starting from a fundraising initiative in Vöcklamarkt in 2006, various projects have been realized, such as student sponsorships and the construction of a boarding school, coming closer to the common goal of the project teams in Tanzania and Austria: sustainable help for people who are exposed to economic injustice, cultural misunderstanding and political problems.
The task is to design a foyer and study pavilions for the Kibwigwa Students Center. The Students Center is a “place in the making” - two buildings already exist and more are being planned. These will be completed over the next few years. Parallel to our design, the department for wooden structures is working on a design for the school hall. The projects are freestanding, openly accessible structures, giving the children (ages 10-16) the opportunity to study and meet between classes. The foyer has a strong public meeting character, whereas the pavilions provide privacy for free study, providing simple protection against sun, wind and rain.
Philipp Eversmann, Prof. Hermann Kaufmann (Hg.)
Layout: Philipp Eversmann
Munich 2013