"If people were Architecture" and "Göz Göze"

09.10. - 09.11.2019

Tolga Bölükbasi, Istanbul

Photography exhibition 

During their exchange year the two architecture students Konstantin Molodovsky and Tolga Bölükbasi developed different photoseries about their stay abroad. The vernissage for the two projects takes place in the building of the KHG on wednesday 9th October. 

"If people were Architecture" is a series of photocouples. More than 100 people from all over the world were interviewed giving their personal view on what building they would be. Connecting a portrait of a specific person and an architectural image Konstantin Molodovsky reveals the link between people and the built environment.

The "Göz Göze" series portrays the everyday street life in Istanbul. The people shown are mostly workers in traditional districts of the Bosporus city. Tolga Bölükbasi captures their authetic daily routine mirroring his personal childhood and the impressions he collected in this city.

09.10.2019 - 09.11.2019
Opening: 09.10.2019, 19.30h

Katholische Hochschulgemeinde
Leopoldstrasse 11, 80802 München