News from the Transregio "Additive Manufacturing in Construction"

The SFB/Transregional Collaborative Research Center "TRR 277: Additive Manufacturing in Construction" has joined the research network AdvanceAEC, invites to the AAEC Network Member Symposia, and expands its public relations activities. The project is carried out by the Technical University of Braunschweig - Instiute of Technology and the TU Munich, and is funded by the German Research Foundation.

© TRR 277: Additive Manufacturing in Construction

The TRR 277 aims to examine Additive Manufacturing (AM) as a novel digital manufacturing technology for the construction industry in an interdisciplinary, cross-location research project. While additive manufacturing technology is already being used for serial production in other industries, there are still fundamental challenges to be solved when transferring it to the construction industry:
First, the transfer of AM technologies to the large scale of construction; second, the necessary material and process diversity, which is determined by the complex functional requirements of a building; and third, the required high degree of individualization and flexibility in construction. The activities of TRR 277 can now also be followed on Instagram: @additivemanufacturing_trr277.

Since January 2021, the project ist part of the “Research Network for Advancing Architecture, Engineering and Construction” (AdvanceAEC). The network brings together national and international researchers who strive to advance architecture, engineering and construction through digital technologies and an interdisciplinary approach. The research network provides a platform to exchange expertise, foster and build an international research community in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, robotics and social sciences. 

On February 1, 2021 the AAEC Network Member Symposia takes place: Insights into the research of the TRR 277 will be given at this event. One of the speakers will be David Briels, associate of a subproject within TRR 277.
Prof. Kathrin Dörfler, TUM Professorship of Digital Fabrication, is part of the discussion panel.