Summer School on Computing Resilience

A summer school and a workshop on the topic of Urban Resilience in the era of climate change will take place in April 2018. The doctoral school is organized by the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design and aims to initiate a group composed by Department Members and Doctoral Candidates of the Eurotech Alliance Universities DTU Copenhagen, TU Eindhoven and TU Munich.

This interdisciplinary doctoral school focuses on the quantification of the trade-offs between tools and strategies to address essential challenges of future resilient cities.
Doctoral researchers are asked to apply simulation based models to define indicators and metrics at the urban scale on the following main topics: Pollutants, Pedestrian wind, Outdoor comfort, Resources cycles, Flood management and Walkability.
The course structure will be set up to apply the tools from the different scientific realms in a interdisciplinary set up to formulate an integrated proposal modelled on a district in Munich. For the participation, each Doctoral Candidate will receive 2 ECTS.

Dates: April 23-28, 2018

Keynote lectures:
Prof. Thomas Auer, TUM
Prof. Lotte Bjerregaard Jensen, DTU Copenhagen
Prof. Bert Blocken, TU Eindhoven
Prof. Bjarne Olesen, DTU Copenhagen
Prof. Christoph Reinhard, MIT


  • The Power of a Toolkit
    Generating high-resolution outdoor thermal comfort maps with ladybug tools
    by Theodore Galanos - NEAPOLI
  • Climate Walks
    Sensing outdoor comfort through field measurements Data mining and microclimate mapping in urban space
    by Ata Chokhachian and Daniele Santucci 

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