Studio Krucker Bates: Building Register IV

Studio Krucker Bates have launched the 4th series of Building Register, now available from the Chair of Urbanism and Housing at TU München.

Studio Krucker Bates

The 4th edition includes five building studies:

Case Franconi, Mario Ridolfi, Terni
Holland House, Hendrik Petrus Berlage, London
Les Cotxeres, Josep Antoni Coderch, Barcelona
Rabenhof, Heinrich Schmid and Hermann Aichinger, Vienna
101 Spring Street, Nicholas Whyte, New York

The format follows previous editions with detailed drawings at various scales, descriptive texts and photographs. 

The print run is 500 and the cost is €48 per pack of five booklets.
To order please contact Ketevan Sevsal:
Further information on the latest Building Register by Studio Krucker Bates