Spanischer Architekturpreis für Víctor López Cotelo

Der ehemalige Professor des Lehrstuhls für Entwerfen und Denkmalpflege erhält den Spanischen Architekturpreis für die Umgestaltung der Fachhochschule für Architektur ("escuela técnica superior de arquitectura") der Universität Granada.

Photography © Lluís Casals

The architect Victor López Cotelo has received the 2015 Spanish Architecture Award for the Conversion of the old Military Hospital into the School of Architecture of Granada.

The award for the architect Victor Lopez Cotelo, born in Madrid, was decided unanimously Wednesday 10th of June by the Jury of the Spanish Architecture 2015 Award, assembled at the headquarters of the CSCAE. The award is the highest honor given by the institution and is granted for the rehabilitation of the former Military Hospital for the School of Architecture of Granada. The jury wanted to highlight the strategy followed in the conversion of this historical building that has gone through several functional stages and whose current project is able to integrate the heterogeneous set under a global concept that respects and combines its complex diversity, "performing this operation with an extraordinary sense of balance, stylistic restraint and professional job".

The jury of the Spanish Architecture Award 2015 has been led by Jordi Ludevid i Anglada, President of CSCAE, and composed by Fernando Nasarre Goicoechea, General Deputy Director of Land Policy in the Department of Architecture, Housing and Land in the Ministry of Public Works, representing the Minister, Alfonso Muñoz Cosme General Deputy Director of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain of the Directorate General of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets and Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Education, representing the Minister, the architect Ignacio García Pedrosa named by the full Council, Enrique Alvarez-Sala Walther, architect appointed in plenary session by the Superior Council and Algorri Eloy Garcia, General Secretary of CSCAE, acting as Secretary of the Jury.

The Spanish Architecture Award is organized by the CSCAE since 1993, to recognize the quality of those newly built works, or rehabilitation of buildings -as long as it has treated the building as an architectural unit and the result of rehabilitation configures all of it- realized by Spanish architects, which were finished in the previous biennium to the call.

We congratulate Prof. a.D. Victor López Cotelo sincerely for this award!