PowerSkin Conference 2019 – Call for Abstracts

The conference hosts Prof. Thomas Auer (TU Munich), Prof. Ulrich Knaack (TU Delft) and Prof. Jens Schneider (TU Darmstadt) invite to the biennial PowerSkin Conference which will take place in Munich next year. PowerSkin 2019 will address digital tools and methods in design and fabrication.

The conference aims to discuss the future role of building skin to achieve carbon neutral building stocks. The focus of the next PowerSkin will be Digital Processes in Façade Design and Construction.

Organizers and hosts invite to join the conference with a presentation on one of the sub-themes Envelope, Energy or Environment. Abstract proposals should be submitted by March 30, 2018. 
Reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. ‘Best papers’ will be additionally published in the scientific Journal of Facade Design & Engineering.

As the conference on January 17, 2019 will take place at the world‘s leading trade fair BAU 2019, participants will receive a 2-day ticket to the fair. 

For registration, submission and further information visit the conference website.