Public Lectures at International PhD Course

To different extents, any architectural involvement with a place or situation means interlacing oneself into existing narratives. History is just an interpretation of the past, formed in the present but also based on previous interpretations and narratives. The public lectures, which are part of the third module of the International Doctoral Course "Approaching Research Practice in Architecture", will give insights into relevant perspectives of historical studies and will explore the history of practice-oriented research in architecture.


Lectures by Helena Mattson (KTH Stockholm) and Jonathan Hill (The Bartlett, UC London) will deepen the topic of critical historiography and the topical question of architectural practice in its relation to academia and research. Lectures by Ole W. Fischer (University of Utah, Salt Lake City) and Andreas Putz (TUM) will address the history of postgraduate research in architecture in its relation to practice and design. We will reflect upon the historic emergence of doctorates in architecture in the context of crises and transformations of the profession, and ask, if the increasing significance of post-graduate programs today is indicating renewed changes in the discipline or the academic context only.

Thursday January 28, 2021
15.45 – 18.30 CET

15.45   Introduction to public part
16.00-16.45                           Lecture by Andreas Putz: The chance of the first doctorates in architecture – research in architecture in Germany after 1900, followed by Q+A
16.45    Break
17.00-17.45   Lecture by Ole W. Fischer:  Critical Theory or Critical Architecture? – ETH, MIT and IAUS as three alternative modes of architectural research in the late 1960s, followed by Q+A
17.45-18.30   Discussion on the History of Postgraduate Research in Architecture

Friday January 29, 2021
13.30 – 16.30 CET      

13.30  Introduction to afternoon lectures
13.45-14.30  Lecture by Jonathan Hill: Design Research: The Next 500 Years, followed by Q+A
14.30   Break
14.45-15.30  Lecture by Helena Mattson: Politics of the Archive, followed by Q+A
15.30  Break
15.45-16.30  Concluding conversation with Helena Mattson and Jonathan Hill


All lectures will be public and streamed via Zoom. A one-time registration is necessary so that you can be given the password for the meetings.
Please send an e-mail until Thursday, January 28 12:00 AM CET with your name and the subject "Registration" to Your email address will not be used for any other purpose than the one mentioned and will be deleted after the end of the lecture series.