Gastprofessoren im Sommersemester 2017

Zum kommenden Sommersemester begrüßt die Fakultät für Architektur sechs neue und drei bekannte Gesichter als GastprofessorInnen. Maria Conen, Prof. Tillmann Klein und Prof. Petra Liedl werden ein weiteres Semester als Gastdozenten tätig sein. Neu sind Moritz Dörstelmann, Prof. Jörn von Grabe, Sandra Loschke, Gemma Koppen, Prof. Davide Ponzini und Prof. Amnon Frenkel.

Von links nach rechts: Prof. J. von Grabe, M. Dörstelmann, Dr. S. Loschke und Prof. D. Ponzini

Maria Conen (Conen Sigl Architekten, Zürich)
Gastprofessorin am Lehrstuhl für Städtische Architektur, Prof. Dietrich Fink, im WS 16/17 und SS 17

Nach ihrem Architekturstudium an der EPF Lausanne und der ETH Zürich arbeitete Conen für Miller und Maranta Architekten, Michael Meier und Marius Hug Architekten sowie Buchner Bründler Architekten. Selbständige Tätigkeit mit Raoul Sigl und Armon Semadeni in Zürich seit 2005. 2010 Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) am Institut Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur (gta) ETH Zürich. Seit 2011 Assistentin an der ETH Zürich für Architektur und Konstruktion bei Prof. A. Caruso sowie Gründung Conen Sigl Architekten Gmbh.

Moritz Dörstelmann (Universität Stuttgart)
Gastdozent Emerging Technologies im SS 2017 

Dörstelmann is a Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate at the Institute for Computational Design at Stuttgart University since 2011. He studied architecture at the RWTH Aachen University and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna where he graduated with distinction from the master class of Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher. Focus of Moritz Dörstelmann´s research are integrated computational design and fabrication strategies for novel fiber composite building systems. In interdisciplinary cooperation with experts in aerospace- and structural engineering, biology and textile technology he realized a series of fibrous lightweight structures which are very material efficient and explore a novel architectural design repertoire. His research achieves simultaneous advancement of building culture and technology. He has been invited studio critic and gave lectures and workshops at various international institutions including the Harvard GSD.

Prof. Amnon Frenkel (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Gastprofessor am Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung, Prof. Thierstein, im SS 17

Frenkel is Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Research and Faculty Development at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Previously, he served as the chair of the Graduate Program for Urban and Regional Planning at the Faculty (2004-2013). He is a senior research fellow at the Center for Urban and Regional Studies and member of the board at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning and a senior research fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research. Frenkel’s research focuses on regional and metropolitan planning, measuring urban sprawl and identifying its spatial dynamic, investigating the land use pattern of urban settlements and the effect of growth management policy.

Prof. Jörn von Grabe (Universität Liechtenstein)
Gastprofessor am Lehrstuhl für Energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Prof. Werner Lang, von Februar bis April 2017 

Von Grabe ist Assistenzprofessor am Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung der Universität Liechtenstein. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im nachhaltigen Planen und Bauen. Von Grabe ist Projektleiter des FFF-Förderprojekts "Vorhersage des energierelevanten Interaktionsverhaltens von Menschen mit Gebäuden" (Laufzeit bis 2018).

Prof. Tillmann Klein (TU Delft)
Gastprofessor am Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Gebäudehülle im WS 16/17 und SS 17

Tillmann Klein studierte Architektur an der RWTH in Aachen. Seit 1994 arbeitete er in verschiedenen Architekturbüros, später mit dem Schwerpunkt Fassadenplanung. Parallel studierte er an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Klasse baukunst, die er 2000 mit dem Titel „Meisterschüler“ abgeschlossen hat. 1999 war er Mitbegründer des Architekturbüros rheinflügel baukunst. In 2005 erhielt er mit dem Büro den Kunstpreis NRW für junge Künstler. Seit 2005 leitet er die Facade Research Group an der Technischen Universität Delft. 2008 Gründung des eigenen Fassadenplaungsbüros imagine envelope b. v. Rotterdam. Seine Promotion zum Thema ‚Integral Facade Construction – towards a new product architecture for curtain walls‘ erfolgte 2013. Er ist Editor in Chief des Journal of Facade Design and Engineering (JFDE), welches im ‚Open Access‘ Verfahren erscheint. Tillmann Klein hat zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und fachliche Publikationen verfasst und spricht regelmäßig auf internationalen Konferenzen.

Gemma Koppen (Kopvol architecture & psychology, Rotterdam)
Gastdozentin im SS 2017

Gemma Koppen graduated in Architecture at the Technical University Delft (1995) and studied Urban Design at Pratt Institute, New York City with a Fulbright Scholarship in 1993-1994. In 1997 she graduated in ‘Advanced Architectural Design’ at Columbia University, New York City. Gemma Koppen is one of the directors of kopvol. The understanding of buildings as living constructions that interact with its users and the emphatic approach is the essence in her work. Before starting her business in 2008 in Rotterdam Gemma Koppen gathered international work- and teaching experience in renowned architecture offices such as Neutelings-Riedijk, Rotterdam, Asymptote New York City, Nox Rotterdam, Foster & Partners London and Herzog & de Meuron Basel and at universities such as Columbia University, New York City (1997-2001), at the University of Kassel (2002-2003), Academy of Fine Arts Munich (2006-2007) and at the Technical University Delft (2003-2013).

Prof. Petra Liedl (University of Texas at Austin)
Gastprofessorin am Lehrstuhl für Energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Prof. Werner Lang, im WS 16/17 und SS 17

As faculty co-advisor of the NexusHaus, Petra Liedl was supporting the UT/TUM's entry for U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2015 competition, where they won several awards. She has been developing user-friendly planning tools particularly for the conceptual stage of integrated planning projects in an international context. Petra Liedl has been Assistant Professor and Director of the Thermal Lab in the School of Architecture at University of Texas at Austin since 2012. She received her Dr.-Ing. in Architecture in 2011 from the TUM and was awarded the Dr. Marschall-Award of the Faculty of Architecture for outstanding doctoral theses. Prior to commencing her doctoral studies, Liedl was a research associate at the Department of Building Climatology and Building Physics, TUM and received a Ph.D. grant from the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering at TUM from 2007 to 2011. Interdisciplinary orientation and practical relevance is the basis for Petra Liedl`s work. She has extensive teaching experience, has co-initiated the master course ClimaDesign at TUM and seminars for practitioners in Germany and Austria.

Dr. Sandra Loschke (University of Sydney)
Gastprofessorin am Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte und kuratorische Praxis sowie am Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Gebäudehülle im SS 17

Löschke is Senior Lecturer and Director of Architecture Design and Technology at the University of Sydney. Her research investigates links between aesthetics, design and technology in museum and exhibition architecture from the 1920s to the present, and focuses on how these linkages played a significant role in progressing new disciplinary paradigms, which expanded the culture of architectural knowledge at its interfaces with art and science. As an architect, her projects include award-winning cultural buildings such as the Pinkothek der Moderne (Museum of Contemporary Art) in Munich for Stephan Braunfels and the British Film Institute at Waterloo/London for Avery Associates. Her work for Foster and Partners in London specialized in the research & development of innovative glass facades in close collaboration with industry, including extensive 1:1 prototyping in engagement with façade manufacturers. Her own work has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale and subsequent exhibitions in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney amongst others. Löschke has convened international symposia and edited journals and books on the topic of material aesthetics and technology.

Prof. Davide Ponzini (Politecnico di Milano)
Gastprofessor am Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung, Prof. Thierstein, im SS 17 (bis Ende 2017)

Ponzini received his PhD in Urban Planning from Politecnico di Milano. His research activity focuses on planning theory, policy tool analysis, urban and cultural policy, heritage preservation, spectacularization of contemporary architecture and the urban environment. In 2004 he was Research Affiliate at Yale University, in 2006 International Fellow in Urban Studies at Johns Hopkins University, in 2008 Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, and in 2010 Visiting Researcher at Sciences Po, Paris. He has been an advisor of both urban and cultural policy to local governments and other public and private entities.