Esfandiar Burman as Visiting Professor at the Department

Dr. Esfandiar Burman, assistant professor at The Bartlett School of Architecture in the University College London (UCL), is currently as guest at the TUM Department of Architecture. His one-week stay takes place as part of the Visiting Professor Program funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research & the Arts.

Dr. Esfandiar Burman is hosted by Thomas Auer's Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design. He has extensive experience in teaching and research in the field of urban sustainability and resilience, environmental building design, and advanced building performance assessment. His portfolio includes more than 30 scientific publications on these areas of knowledge. Throughout the last year, he has been collaborating with professor Auer's Chair in developing joint European project proposals. 

In the course of his stay at TUM, Dr. Burman will hold a public presentation on the academic activity at the UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering. This lecture will take place in a "Peer 2 Peer Special Edition" at the Department's Architecture Research Incubator (ARI) on Tuesday March 26, and will specially address relevant activities related to the topics developed in the joint H2020 Proposal. Solutions for upgrading smartness of existing buildings is the focus of the project proposal that is co-developed by TUM and UCL. Together with Manuel de Borja Torrejon (TUM),  Burman will report about their experience organizing this bid and present the new Smart Readiness Indicator.