Dynamic Cities

Morgen Abend Vortrag von Prof. Joaquín Alvado Bañón, Universidad de Alicante am Lehrstuhl für Städtebau und Regionalplanung.

“Variation Guggenheim 3″ Mirador de la Palmera, Daya Vieja, Alicante, Spain, 2012

Joaquín Alvado Bañón. Phd. Architect.

Architectural Project Design professor and researcher at the University Alicante, Spain. Tenured started at 2002. Master and PhD in Architectural Project Design with distinction Cum Laudae. Visiting Teacher at the Universities of Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Baku and Istanbul. Lecturer and teacher in Architecture workshops in several countries. As an architect his architectural and urban designs in competitions have received several national and international awards.

His work has been exhibited and published worldwide (translated in more than twelve languages). He worked with Pritkzer Price Toyo Ito as “Project Architect” in the Relaxation Park in Torrevieja and his “K house” has been selected in the X Spanish Architecture Biennale organized by the Architects Association of Spain. His last works have been nominated for the A+A Awards (Garden Hose), for de F.I.B. Outstanding Structures Price 2014 (Kiss Bridge) recognition of its positive contribution to the reputation and promotion of concrete structures Mumbai (India), Best House, Archdaily, year 2013 (Pool House). Best landscape and Public Space, Plataforma Arquitectura, 2015 (Promenade 1K).

28.05.2015, 19h

Raum 3350

Lehrstuhl für Städtebau und Regionalplanung