"Approaching research practice in architecture"

The international PhD event "Approaching Research Practice in Architecture. Five Questions" takes place on October 13-14, 2021. Doctoral candidates with an interest in practice-oriented formats in architecture and adjacent fields, who are either already pursuing or approaching a research project, will present their submissions. The online workshop is open for interested listeners.

Please click on the image to download the poster for the Doctoral Workshop "Approaching Research Practice in Architecture. Five Questions" as PDF file.

This two-day event, hosted by TU Munich and KTH Stockholm for the second time, takes as its point of departure the growing interest in practice-oriented research in the broadest sense, including expanding modes of work in well-established areas of architectural research such as architectural history and theory or urban and landscape studies.

The doctoral course "Approaching Research Practice in Architecture" was created as part of the program of the BauHow5 Alliance and the Swedish research school ResArc (TUM, TUD, UCL, ETHZ, CTH, LTH, KTH). It is funded by TUM-IAS through an Anna Boyksen fellowship, TUM and KTH ABE.

Visit the event announcement for the full programme or download the PDF.