Newly published "Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge"

"Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge" is a newly established peer-reviewed, academic journal in, on and from the discipline of architecture, initiated by Uta Graff, Ferdinand Ludwig, and Katharina Voigt. It is edited in the context of BauHow5 and its extended network and published biannually at transcript Academic Publishing Bielefeld in Print and Open Access.

First issue of »Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge«.

Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge is an academic journal in, on and from the discipline of architecture, addressing the creation, constitution and transmission of architectural knowledge. It explores methods genuine to the discipline and architectural modes of interdisciplinary methodological adaptions. Processes, procedures and results of knowledge creation and practice are esteemed coequally, with particular attentiveness to the architectural design and epistemologies of aesthetic practice and research.

Research Perspectives in Architecture Dimensions Issue 01/2021, edited by Katharina Voigt, Uta Graff, and Ferdinand Ludwig, explores different lines of enquiry with specific focus on their methodology. Design-based, reflexive, qualitative, experience-based, archival and interdisciplinary perspectives are investigated. Available in print and Open Access at transcript Academic Publishing.

The initiators of the journal and editors of the first issue – Prof. Uta Graff, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig, and Katharina Voigt – cordially invite you to the release of Dimensions Vol.1 on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 6:30pm via Zoom. They will present the objective and structure of the journal, introduce the first issue and give an outlook on the upcoming editions. Prof. Sophie Wolfrum, former professor and Dean at the Department of Architecture at the Technical University of Munich, will introduce the international editorial context of BauHow5 and its extended network, emphasizing the role of the journal in discipline of architecture.