Climate-KIC Summer School 2019

The Technical University of Munich is pleased to announce that the world's largest summer school on innovation and entrepreneurship is taking place again this summer. Climate-KIC is the EU’s largest public private partnership, funded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and addressing climate change through innovation to build a zero carbon economy. The Journey is a 4-week climate innovation summer school. It brings together students and professionals from all over the world.

Foto: Climate-KIC

From validating an idea to understanding the market, structuring a business, and building a team, Climate-KIC gears participants up for the world of climate entrepreneurship. The Journey provides the tools to make an impact on the global effort to find solutions to climate change, and supports participants in the quest to become a sustainable entrepreneur.

The Journey summer school offers climate change knowledge combined with entrepreneurship skills, allowing participants to create - together with people from a wide range of backgrounds - a business model that will help our environment.

Time frames are:

  • 30th of June – 27th of July 2019
  • 4th of August – 31st of August 2019

For TUM students, there are no fees for taking part in the Journey. You can find further information on the official Journey website.

Application for Summer School 2019 is still open until 18th of February 2019 via the Journey webpage.

The Climate-KIC Education team is also happy to answer any questions via: or