AESOP Best Conference Paper Award 2015

Für ihren Beitrag "Competencies revisited: An educational approach to conceptualise planning as a boundary discipline" wurden Lukas Gilliard und Alain Thierstein, Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung mit dem AESOP Best Conference Paper Award 2015 ausgezeichnet.

The chair of urban development participated in this years' AESOP conference in Prague, Czech Republic, with three presentations and one poster presentation. Alain Thierstein presented current research in the projects "housing, employment, mobility" as well as civil society participation networks (based on work by Agnes Förster), which met with wide interest. Additionally, Fabian Wenner and Lukas Gilliard presented their Masters' and PhD thesis topics, respectively, which addressed land taxation on the one hand and ways forward in planning education on the other.

The chair is delighted that the paper by Lukas Gilliard and Alain Thierstein "Competencies revisited: An educational approach to conceptualise planning as a boundary discipline" was awarded the best paper prize of the conference. Congratulations!

The book of proceedings can be downloaded from the conference website.

The paper can be downloaded here.