Report & Evaluation / Multiplier Event: Community Design Lab ‘Have we met?’ Designing Social Hubs for Urban Nomads

Digitally networked, locally at home. What role does community play in times when borders blur, when we communicate via networks and platforms, when we live and work on a project basis? A pop-up model between open house and open source, non-binding and binding – depending on the stage of life? A further development of the sharing economy and creative commons? In the fourth activity of design workshops, set up as multiplier event, the topic of future urban communities was emphasised.
Together with experts from practice, insight talks and experienced facilitators the participants developed in a 2.5-day-workshop on spatial, technological and social innovations to transform a temporary community into a community of change agents, visionaries and entrepreneurs. The ideas of a new co-living model in Munich for urban spaces was supported by the BauHow5 alliance, the start-up and entrepreneurial incubator UnternehmerTUM, the company MINI Living and the internatio- nal architecture magazine Detail.
The process followed a less structured agenda than the design thinking lab or the design sprint and considered learnings from the previous workshops. The 24 participants were assigned to prior defined teams.
47% female / 53% male
100 % master degree
80 % TUM student / 20% incomings
The teams were facilitated throughout the 2.5 days by a researcher of the BauHow5 Alliance or a representative of UnternehmerTUM and Detail magazine:
Day 1 // Context & Challenge
Day 2 // Ideation & Concept
Day 3 // Prototype & Pitch
The event was part of the 3-year Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “Strengthening Architecture and the Built Environment Research” (SABRE), a collaboration of the BauHow5 alliance, the partnership of five leading European research intense universities in architecture and the built environment (UCL, TU Delft, Chalmers, ETHZ, TU Munich). SABRE is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
Report & Evaluation / Multiplier Event: Community Design Lab ‘Have we met?’ Designing Social Hubs for Urban Nomads
Editors: Christos Chantzaras, Martin Luce, Yolande Schneider
Publisher: Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur
ISBN: 978-3-948278-17-5