Next Tirana: Managing Quality over Growth

This book concludes with an open ended discussion on what’s next; it raises questions about the role of data in the design process, the role of architects as data users in the process of their work, the extents to which we can ensure quality in dense scenarios and about the need to quantify quality. On the verge of a data revolution where designers are expected to think and produce differently to create smart adaptive and regenerative building and cities, these topics are likely to become an integral part of the architectural discourse in near future.
Autoren: Auer, T., Persiani, S., Kobas, B., Selje, D., Natanian, J.
Publisher: Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur, München, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-948278-12-0
e-Access: here
More information at the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design.