Documentation of a conceptual Design for a transformation of a school building in Munich

The documentation shows the process of doing a conceptual design for a transformation of a school building inspired by Scandinavian pedagogical principles.
It is made with master students of architecture during a visiting professorship of the Sto Foundation at the Technical University of Munich named: a view north - changing architectural practice.
The students circle about the question of what the concept of “context” means. And how this meaning influences the result of the architectural design work.
During the class, the students are introduced to contrary theoretical perceptions of context: From the philosophical idea of phenomenology and genius loci to the idea of pragmatism that opens our eyes to the influence of a complex financial and sociality reality on the built environment.
While making a conceptual design proposal for a secondary school they systematically test out a number of analytical methods, each related to a different perception. To capture this multifaceted perceptive – the class is called: Learning Context
The overall aim of the semester is to prepare students for a work life where they potentially can take influence and engage themselves in formulating relevant and beautiful architectural answers to issues of society. The ability to acknowledge the context of a project from multiple angles is a necessary competence today and in the future when one is joggling between the context of pragmatism and the context of phenomenology in everyday architectural practice!
Target group is people interested in the field of architectural teaching and pedagogics as well as students of architecture who are curious to see how other students work and thereby reflect ones own studies.
Documentation of a conceptual Design for a transformation of a school building in Munich
Hrsg: Mikala Holme Samsøe
Verlag: Technische Universität München Fakultät für Architektur
Seiten: 87
Lehrstuhl: Lehrstuhl für Lichtgestaltung und Raumkunst – sto Stiftung Gastprofessur
ISBN: 978-3-948278-13-7